Horoscopes Wednesday 19th July 2017

The steadying influence of Mercury's alignment with Saturn can make the coming days excellent for planning and decision-making.

We may approach our projects and goals from a more cautious perspective in an effort to avoid unnecessary mistakes. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 19th July 2017 please see below… 

Horoscopes Wednesday 19th July 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may feel impatient if feelings seem to dampen your enthusiasm or cause your best intentions to stall. You might think you are ready to forge ahead, but your emotions could tell another story. However, this situation should pass over the coming days as a planetary shift to a dynamic sector can see you tapping into levels of greater creativity and renewed confidence. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you meet up with an obstacle your tendency may be to push back. Your horoscope suggests that given the present predicament this approach might not benefit you. Although you could be tempted to go with your natural inclinations regarding key plans, flexibility can make for a better outcome. Money wise, a small indulgence could boost your spirits though Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be wondering whether to tell someone how you feel about a key issue or to sidestep it altogether. The motivation for doing so could be based on fears that they may not like to hear the truth. While it may be simpler to avoid this matter, addressing it in a gentle way could bring you closer to this person, with an upbeat Mercury tie paving the way for constructive conversation.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Whether you have a challenge ahead of you or are simply trying to get more done, the celestial star map might offer a solution. A little lateral thinking could help you see ways to do certain tasks much faster, giving you time for other more leisurely activities. Equally, you might relish the opportunity for some pampering, and working smarter might help you out in this regard.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It would be no surprise if a situation that you thought you had resolved seems to make a reappearance. But this may be down to the Sun and Mars moving through the last part of your psychological sector, which could stir up feelings around this matter. Moving now to tie up any loose ends and employing a gentle approach could help resolve it for good Leo, if you want this.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Various people or situations could turn out to be quite demanding, and although you might feel you have enough energy to cope, it could be a very different matter once you get down to business. To add to this, someone might play on your conscience and you may feel guilty for not paying them enough attention. To resolve these dilemmas you might need to be quite firm Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A lovely aspect for socializing and enjoying community activities is underway, with the days ahead looking pleasantly positive in this regard. Moreover, you could have a keen interest in those you meet and a natural desire to interact, boosting their spirits and confidence. Even so, if you sense that it is best to be more cautious around a certain person then it might be wise to do so.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A powerful aspect can spark ideas that surprise you. You may begin to perceive a person or a situation in a way that you had not done previously, and this can alter things for the better. In addition, other key influences hint at changes that may come as a result of a decision. A major focus on your lifestyle zone can see you considering a clean sweep, but try not to be impulsive.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It may be tempting to dwell on issues that have proved a sticking point over recent days, but at the same time a blossoming friendship or a positive opportunity can lift your spirits. And, even though it might be wise to tread with care over the days ahead, nurturing any new developments could bring further opportunities for growth and perhaps for a potential change of plan Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your hard work may be about to pay off, as coming days can spotlight an opening or bright opportunity that you might want to grasp. Equally, an intuitive nudge could encourage you to consider a project or ambitious option that comes out-of-the-blue, so be alert for this possibility too. Someone may speak highly of you Capricorn, and this could boost your overall progress.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It may seem that you've reached an impasse when it comes to getting through to a certain person, and the next day or so might reveal this to be the case. But, with some very stubborn energies involved in the mix, it can be easier to let things rest. Try to focus on those areas where there is free flow and where you can move forwards, as here you can be productive Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Gemini Moon in a more private sector of your chart could make you aware of the reasons why you might be avoiding a situation. Part of this can be that it seems too daunting to tackle alone, even though it might need attention. However, if you go at it slowly Pisces and avoid any impetuous moves, the coming days can see you forging ahead and becoming more settled too.