Today's Quarter Moon in Libra may leave us wondering whether we should listen to logic or to our instincts.
With other passionate influences showing up over coming days we may need to use a blend of both. But finding a way to compromise might also be a positive. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 1st July 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 1st July 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A conversation may enable you to see the bigger picture and this could bring fresh insights your way Aries, especially if your mind has been fixed on one idea or outcome. A potent lunar phase today could be a turning point allowing you to step back and consider other options. If a certain matter has dominated your thinking, talking about it may prove a release and a relief to you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The cosmic picture involving an angle between the Sun and Moon could interrupt your schedule or even your train of thought. But this could be to your benefit if you have had a tendency to over-think a certain situation, and little progress has been made because of this. Any distractions this weekend can serve as a useful purpose if they allow you time out to unwind and get your bearings.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you have been busy with various issues over recent days, the Libra Moon and its link to expansive Jupiter in your sector of recreation, can coincide with an invite or other fun occasion. You may be in the middle of sorting out something important Gemini, but you could find that the chance to relax helps to take your mind off it for a while, allowing energy levels to be restored.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If your focus has been on others over the past week then it is possible that some of your interactions have been rather intense. If so, then today's Quarter Moon can encourage you to attend to your own needs and to enjoy some self-care. There may be much to do, but your horoscope suggests you'll feel more up to continuing your efforts if you allow yourself a chance to get back into balance.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although a personal situation might cause deep-seated emotions to emerge this weekend, the celestial backdrop hints that getting your feelings into the open may be beneficial. If you enjoy journaling this could be very therapeutic, as putting your thoughts on paper might help you get to the heart of anything that is on your mind. But talking to a friend could also be a relief Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A generous and forgiving approach to an awkward issue could help you put a difficult matter behind you. The present line-up suggests a heart-to-heart conversation could soften the atmosphere between you and a friend or bring closure regarding a group issue. But you may be the one who has to initiate this, and though it might not be easy, it could be very worthwhile.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It may be down to you to find a way to resolve a deadlock. And with a Quarter Moon in your sign, the coming days could certainly be a turning point. If it appears that your needs are being put on the back-burner and that others are happy to ignore them, then something might need to change. But it may be necessary to speak up in a very tactful way in order to make a difference.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It might help to be decisive, even if you aren't entirely sure which route to follow Scorpio. One thing is clear though, and that is you will need to choose of one them. However, you could try too hard to come to the right conclusion and this may block progress. You might find that pursuing other activities, especially those that allow for some alone time, can bring clarity.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you want something, then you may devote the coming days to making sure you get it. And if this means liaising with influential people, then you could be willing to do so if it helps you to further your goals. But if you appear too keen this might stall any progress. Even so, taking some time away from this matter can enable you to feel more relaxed about the outcome Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is keeping the peace more important than letting others know what you stand for? Would it be easier to agree with someone, rather than be honest and perhaps stir up intense emotions? This could be an issue over the coming days and something you might be keen to reflect on. But when making your decision, today's Quarter Moon suggests your priorities may play a crucial part.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The more you try, the more difficult it may seem to reach your target. But with the current planetary map encouraging you to make a supreme effort, you might decide it is worth pushing onward. This could cause things to snarl-up further though, making it more difficult to attain your goal. But a more relaxed stance might help, as could a short break along with a change of scene.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While you may have big plans, a friend or perhaps someone close might have other ideas, which can include persuading you to help out with a project or perhaps preparations for a social event of theirs. If you don't want to get involved, then you'll need to say so Pisces. They may not like your decision and try to persuade you otherwise, but you're quite entitled to do as you please.