Horoscopes Thursday 1st June 2017

With Venus making an harmonious tie to Saturn over coming days, we can find it easier to discuss important issues in a business like way.

Emotions may be kept out of the picture, therefore a more logical assessment might now be possible. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 1st June 2017 please see below… 

Horoscopes Thursday 1st June 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's stellar backdrop encourages you to take care of the details before making a big decision, even if you feel that you already have the information you need. The current picture suggests it may be wise to discuss the finer points of any arrangements with those involved, as a misunderstanding could mean things get of kilter Aries, and may then take longer to resolve. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Venus in a rather private sector once more, this can be an opportunity to connect with your feelings concerning a relationship you may be mulling over, Taurus. A positive tie to Saturn can encourage you to get to the heart of this issue and can help you make an informed decision. Even so, it is just as well to know your options as you could yet change your mind.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Although you may feel energetic and ready for anything if it involves getting out and meeting with others, a more muted vibe could also see you happily enjoying a movie or losing yourself in a good book. Furthermore, Mercury's tie to Pluto suggests this can be a good time to work through emotions linked to a key situation, as any insights gleaned might be very revealing.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although you may be keen to collaborate with someone on an idea, a developing Venus Saturn tie suggests not being in too much of a hurry. Make sure you are both on the same wavelength, as in the excitement you could overlook an important issue. Discussing things more openly can enable you to gauge how they feel and how you might secure their support going forward.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be wise not to push a relationship that seems to be proceeding at its own pace and that may already be working out nicely. The astrological picture suggests it could be tempting to step in and attempt to hurry things along or try to improve on the way things are. Allowing the natural flow to continue might be more realistic, giving you time to get to know them better.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Sun presently in your sector of ambitions, you may feel enthusiastic stirrings as plans that have been quietly developing could move to the forefront of your attention. At the same time, someone's opinion might cause a dip in confidence if you let it. The key to making progress may be to set your focus and make a start, as very shortly they could be proved wrong.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Expect the unexpected Libra, as a piece of news or an unexpected invite could add something special to the day. Perhaps an impromptu trip or even romantic date can boost your spirits. Or you may be the one that arranges an outing that brings everyone together. The chance to take a detour away from your usual routine and try something different can act as a restorative.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a focus on a sensitive sector of your chart for some weeks yet, an opportunity to take stock of an important matter and to consider how best to deal with it may present itself. However, this urge for change can also apply to everyday tasks and chores, especially if you are weighed down by responsibilities and feeling overwhelmed. If you can, look to delegate, it may help.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A potent lunar phase might coincide with the need for a decision associated with the cost of a hobby or a sport you enjoy. You may have reached the stage where you're deciding whether to take things further or maintain your present level of commitment. Although it can be a fine balance when considering family commitments too, the social rewards could be worthwhile.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Venus and Uranus closely aligned in a very private sector and linking to Saturn in your psychological zone, you may be drawn to experiences that can change your perspective. A relationship might encourage you to question yourself and to consider your motives. The coming weeks can be a time of great insight too and could easily reshape aspects of your thinking.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The conversations you hold over the days ahead could set a friendship in motion or encourage you to collaborate on an idea. And although you may be fizzing with excitement, a positive link with practical Saturn may work to your benefit by encouraging you to slow down and think about it. Your horoscope hints that step at a time may be better for now than rushing to the finishing line, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Virgo can be an opportunity to get the backing of your partner or a family member before you make some changes on the home front. Once they are on-side you can forge ahead. But this person may have reservations which need to be resolved first of all. Furthermore, the process of sorting this out might reassure you too.