Horoscopes Saturday 29th April 2017

As the Moon in Gemini opposes Saturn we may feel it is fitting to contain our emotions rather than openly talk about what we may be going through.

But a heart-to-heart chat could do much to bring relief if we can be a little more open to sharing whatever is on our mind. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 29th April 2017 please see below… 

Horoscopes Saturday 29th April 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the weekend here, you may have a raft of activities that you're keen to get on with, and this may be the time to do so while you feel motivated. However, if it seems you might have missed an opportunity that shows up briefly and appears to vanish, then try not to let it bother you. There is a very good chance it will come around again and that you'll grasp it next time around.  {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Although you can appear calm, you may be bubbling over with excitement on the inside, especially if you are enthused about an idea that can impact helpfully on future plans. And if it involves a skill that has remained largely dormant, but that is very much intertwined with your deeper purpose, then it may be a winning situation, bringing satisfaction to you and value to others.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be spoiled for choice when it comes to the social whirl. But much as you might like to drop by a few get-together's or call friends, you may benefit more if you take your time and talk to someone in some depth. Ideas can be exchanged that could make a difference to your plans, whereas if you make a quick entrance and exit you could miss out on a golden opportunity.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon in a quieter sector, your feelings could seem to drive the agenda over the next day or so. And although your logical side may be telling you that you need to get something done, you can find that your deeper nature could be ready for a rest and a chance to unwind. While it is not always possible to give up your responsibilities just like that, it is something to be aware of.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Venus back in Aries and shimmying further into this go-getting sign, a friendship that may have stalled over recent weeks could begin to pick up again. Any discussions can be more honest and open, and this might be an opportunity to clear the air and to set the record straight, if necessary. Indeed, this looks to be a promising few days if you can stay open to new possibilities.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Sun's presence in your sector of travel can be a call to enjoy a trip to a place of beauty that engages your senses. But with other things on your mind, it could be difficult to put them to one side long enough to appreciate it. Even so, by turning your attention to more restful or inspiring thoughts you could begin to feel more at peace with yourself and with close ones too, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This could be one weekend when you either decide to get actively involved, or in contrast do less and instead place more emphasis on satisfying more personal desires. Moreover, if you place too much emphasis on going along with what others want you may end up feeling you have wasted your time. Indeed, attending to whatever resonates with you could be far more satisfying.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There may be some unexpected costs associated with a plan that you hadn't anticipated. Therefore, it could be just as well to drill down into the details or the terms and conditions before you commit to anything binding. Even so, as Mercury continues to rewind in your lifestyle zone, key insights into what matters most to you can encourage you to make some important changes.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A Saturn Uranus link suggests new ideas and ideals could be changing your thinking and therefore, changing you as a person. This process has been ongoing since late last year, yet it would be no surprise if you were only now aware of it. And though the temptation may be to slide back into your comfort zone, there could be so much more waiting for you if you proceed.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Venus edging further into your home zone, the coming weeks can be a call to spend more time with close ones, especially if you have not had the option over recent weeks. Besides, this influence can coincide with a desire to bring people together for a reunion or a family occasion. Be on the alert this weekend though, as an unexpected guest could well show up at your door.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you have been busy liaising with others and keeping things rolling along, then the cosmos invites you to do something for yourself this weekend that might recharge your batteries. You may find that rather than relaxing, you'll feel more vital if you can be fairly active. It's possible that competitive sports or other energetic options might help melt away any lingering tensions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

There may be much to be said for giving your mind a rest and allowing yourself a break from your computer, tablet or even the TV. With the Sun in Taurus and your sector of mental activity, absorbing yourself in any peaceful hobbies or even taking a trip to a park or countryside could help you feel more alert and refreshed on all levels, setting the stage for a great weekend.