Horoscopes Saturday 3rd December 2016

 As the fiery energies of Mars align with those of optimistic Jupiter, we may be enthusiastic about exploring an idea whose time has come.

This transit can coincide with projects that might enlarge our sphere of influence, while creating new opportunities too. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 3rd December 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 3rd December 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This looks to be a promising weekend in terms of your social life. Developing trends suggest an encounter could be instrumental in introducing you to ideas that you can really connect with. From this you might find that other ambitions are aroused. And although this might only be in its infancy, you could feel a renewed confidence regarding the future of one of them. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As the interactive energies of Mercury create ripples in your sector of travel and new opportunities, you may be motivated to explore ideas that can open up fresh paths for you. While its presence can arouse your curiosity regarding these areas, it might also afford you a chance to become acquainted with other options, one may be higher education or taking up a new hobby.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The weekend can bring further confirmation that a project is moving forward at quite a pace. And with other positive strands developing in the weeks ahead, you may be pleased at any new opportunities that result from this. You might want to look more deeply into what it involves though, which is just as well Gemini, as it means you can be better prepared, and in advance.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the festive season starting to ramp up, your thinking could turn to your home and involve family and friends. Even so, new ideas could be the touchstone for coming events and might see you introducing some resourceful options into the mix that could put a different spin on key events. The weekend brings a chance to discuss such matters and enjoy any socializing too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The coming days could include the first social event of the season as a lively blend of energies encourages you to issue or accept invites and to enjoy mixing and mingling. There can though be a deeper reason why liaising with friends and making new connections can be rewarding, and it may be to do with the potential for an idea that is yet to fully emerge for you, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Mercury, your ruler, now moving through your sector of leisure and creativity, you may find that intellectual pursuits or activities that involve mental agility can appeal. This might act as a pleasant counterbalance to a plan that could be quite involved but that can already be showing potential. If so, over the next day or so you may be heartened by any initial results.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Communicating with family members may become easier, especially as you can find that sharing your feelings and discussing key issues helps create a warmer vibe over coming weeks. Solo? Be guided not just by an attraction, but also just how comfortable you feel with someone. As much as there may be a spark, feeling you can be yourself is going to be just as key.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It's that time of the year when we may make an effort to get in touch with people we hear less frequently from. In your case Scorpio, you may find the pace heats up and that you're motivated to write cards, send invites and make any necessary calls. And if this weekend involves a social event, your horoscope suggests it might be an idea to attend as you could benefit from it in a very constructive way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Involving a partner or key people in a discussion about finances or other resources can encourage new ideas that might help make the coming weeks more cost effective. However, you may already be involved in a scheme that seems to be showing positive results. If so, this can encourage you to really persevere. Equally, look to embrace anything which reinforces your esteem.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may find yourself in the right place at the right time to take advantage of an opportunity that could work out well for you. Even so, if you want to see real progress then current influences can bring the chance to resolve a matter that may have held you back. Circumstances can align to make a clear path and this could enable you to work through it, and with some confidence.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A desire to strike out into new territory may have given you plenty of new information and opportunities to work with. As a result, you may have more than one scheme in mind that might allow you to embrace fresh ideas. And while discussing such matters with others can help you zero in on those that might be good for you, your instincts can also play a part in such decisions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your social life may take a new turn as the communicative energies of Mercury revive a most convivial sector. As a result, you may find that encounters and discussions can gift you with insights and information that can really inspire. It's possible that something you sensed all along may be validated by such a conversation, giving you the push to power forwards with it, Pisces.