With the Moon linking to the sobering energies of Saturn and the innovative qualities of Uranus we may be looking for a novel way to resolve a minor interpersonal issue.
A flash of inspiration could occur that allows us to see new possibiltities and it is this that might make all the difference. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 16th November 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 16th November 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While your impulse may be to look beneath the surface, the present picture can see you busy with all kinds of ideas and details. The overarching influence can see you moving purposefully to fulfil a plan that can benefit you greatly, one which might benefit others too. Whatever you do today, when it comes to sharing your feelings look to choose your words with care. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Moon's connection to the impulsive energies of Uranus could be a reason you feel like revealing a side of you that others may not be so well acquainted with. They might even register pleasant surprise. This influence could encourage a sharing of ideas that are forward thinking, even spiritual and that might already be having a subtle impact on your everyday values.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Today's more emotional influences suggest that if someone isn't as co-operative as you might expect or declines an invite, you could decide to seek out another friend's company. Should this happen it just may be that the other person has things on their mind. What can inspire you though, is a project which could be progressing nicely. This can feel more and more solid.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Though part of you may feel like curling up with a book or enjoying some tranquillity, there may be responsibilities to deal with that require you to snap to. If you can, there is a chance of unexpected yet upbeat developments and ones which can create new opportunities. Working from home might also appeal, although factoring in other people's needs could be crucial.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It can help to be firm should a friend demand attention when you have other things to get on with. You could be so busy with some dazzling plans that it just might not leave much room for social options. Then again, the present planetary backdrop does suggest you should not plunge into any new activity full pelt. Give yourself time to appraise things on a step by step basis.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Someone close could encourage you to revise your schedule or alter some key habits, but even if they do, you might find yourself ripe for this anyway. Some kind of inner revolution may be underway and if you can embrace this with some zeal, do. Your horoscope suggests there may be moments today when not everything flows along as you would like, but just keep holding onto the big picture.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A background theme associated with your values can put other factors in your solar horoscope into a different, but useful perspective. With a focus on knowledge and learning as well as embracing fresh opportunities, you can be more discerning about the worth of ideas. One option though, can hold your gaze so firmly that you will want to move forwards come what may.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Lunar ties could see you mulling over decisions that might help your personal life flourish. You could become aware though, of how softening your stance around certain ideals could make things easier for you. A flash of insight could see you changing one crucial factor associated with your domestic world and this can make a real difference to your security and fulfilment.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a flurry of plans to contend with, you might want to keep to yourself. But this can change as the Moon angles to the restless energies of Uranus in your leisure sector. This can entice you out and about on impulse, especially if what's on offer appeals to your sense of adventure. With the Sun still in a reflective zone, your quest could though be spiritual as much as physical.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your inclination may be to hold back from taking in too much information, especially if you already feel overloaded. But don't block out all the messages pulsing in your direction. You could also welcome the company of a friend as a way to offset all the thinking and planning you may have been doing of late. Their companionship can prove a really nice contrast to this intensity.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While there may be excellent ideas circulating, one of these could stir up unconscious patterns perhaps causing you to experience some inner resistance. Equally, you can probably see that there is something to gain by stepping forwards. Perhaps the best way to balance this, is to give yourself the permission to go at your own pace. Once you do, you can feel more open to it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in your domestic sector linking to the sobering energies of Saturn in your zone of ambition, you might feel a reluctance to tackle high priority tasks. Are they really that urgent, Pisces? It may be that allowing yourself some leeway allows you to return to them much refreshed. If you can fit in some pampering or self-care that too can be a good thing.