Horoscopes Sunday 6th November 2016

With the Moon connecting with the stirring energies of Mars we may tend to express our feelings more fervently than we might otherwise.

Therefore it may be just as well to hold back especially in any situation that proves trying, so as to maintain a sense of perspective. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 6th November 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 6th November 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Opportunities to pair with another for mutual benefit is possible today Aries, and could involve a trip away or a project that you're keen to engage with. This may not be simply for pleasure either, for this could quite easily have an entirely practical focus too. By working collectively you can complement one another's qualities, and also spur each other on too. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Sun in your relationship sector continuing its connection to Pluto, it's possible that you could be influenced by someone's ideas or by their example to make changes in your life. You may admire them for what they have achieved or for being the person you aspire to be, and this could be a spur to taking small but significant steps to manifest your own dreams.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This can be an excellent time to brainstorm ideas that have creative potential and see what might arise out of such conversations. Making lifestyle changes that could impact you at deeper levels may also be on your agenda. With the planet of growth also angling up superbly to that of innovation, anything new you are working on that's well researched can take root.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The planets are shaping up in a way which is going to create opportunities, when new objectives or the chance to cement a friendship can see you anticipating positive outcomes. In the short term however, links to Mars could coincide with irritation or frustration if things don't go as planned. Try not to be too influenced by such niggles and stay focused on the bigger picture.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Inspiration and application can work hand in hand to enable you to create a strategic plan based on strong foundations. If you're thinking ahead to a get-together or other social event, then thorough preparation can make it an extra special occasion. Venus's presence in your leisure zone suggests a change of scene or good company can amp up the enjoyment factor, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you've been busy with phone calls or attending to everyday chores, this phase can continue on for another couple of weeks. But once this is complete you may be pleased at how much more organized you are. Over coming days the Sun in your communication zone and its tie to Pluto can intensify the process of tying up loose ends, creating a clear path ahead Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The beneficial energies of Jupiter move to align with Saturn and Pluto, which can be an indicator of new plans. If you already have experience in your chosen area then the coming weeks can encourage you to diversify. Fresh developments on the home front could see you transforming a property or mulling over family issues. Your horoscope suggests it's perhaps best not to be too impulsive however.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Moon's edgy link with Mars in your sector of connection and conversation could bring on a bout of frustration which might show up in discussion with another. However, if you can rein in any desire you might feel to vent, the day can be upbeat. The wisp of an idea may already be causing waves of excitement, but this will need to be balanced with application.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Sun in a private sector of your chart aligning with Pluto, this can be an opportunity to wield creative power and get to grips with a situation that may have been a cause of concern. You might find it easier to access inner resources that can help you resolve this matter once and for all. Other influences suggest good company can also add something to your day.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As a positive alignment between Jupiter in your sector of goals and Saturn in that of dreams shapes up, something you have worked hard upon for a very long time behind the scenes can shape up. If you have been experiencing any intimations this year, this encourages you to keep doing what you have been doing patiently, and the rewards will emerge in the next few months.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun transiting your sector of success for another two weeks, this can be a time of taking stock of present plans or assessing priorities. With the deep influence of Pluto involved in the mix too, one project or idea could have the potential to enhance your standing or public image. However, this may require you to work behind the scenes as much as more obviously.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Pooling skills, resources and ideas can be beneficial, and present trends suggest that something solid and lasting could result from such efforts. If you have an idea that requires the help of others to attain lift-off, the trick will be to gain the co-operation of that right individuals. Trust is always a key ingredient, and alliances with those that are truly reliable is essential.