Horoscopes Thursday 3rd November 2016

The interactive energies of Mercury make an upbeat tie to the potent energies of Pluto which can encourage us to examine a key issue from a deeper perspective.

We might also find that conversations can be more intense, with discussions helping to peel away the layers regarding a matter that may pose a mystery.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 3rd November 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 3rd November 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Mars coming to the end of its journey in the sign of Capricorn, this can be a time to look back and take stock of your recent accomplishments. It's also an opportunity to reset your priorities, allowing you to focus on those truly key plans. Even so, lunar ties can be a call to cut out sentiment regarding one idea Aries, which though appealing might be impractical. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A relationship might act as a catalyst to change, encouraging you to make decisions that can be something of a stretch, but might spring open doors to new possibilities. The astrological picture hints that you might not be alone, but may be accompanied by someone who is as passionate about a subject or idea as you, and equally keen to see where this can lead.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Hearing about an idea that could make a difference to you can impel you to action. Delving further might reveal information that further shifts your perspective. Doing so can allow you to see yourself in a fresh light and could see you aspiring to new opportunities. You might want to consider changing small patterns first, before tackling any that might be more ingrained.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone's reassuring words can encourage you to pick up on a hobby or talent of yours and take it further. The focus on your creative zone may have already piqued you into letting your creative juices flow, and their affirmation may be all you need to make a start. Try not to be too concerned about what others might think though Cancer, instead, simply enjoy the process.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be content to take a back seat for now, even if it means relinquishing a task or project to someone else. With the Sun, your ruler, moving to align with the potent energies of power broker Pluto, you may find that taking on the role of observer can allow you to see where you could usefully make a few radical changes, and where you're already doing well.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your words may have more impact than usual, with the astrological picture revealing a greater intensity around the way you communicate. With this in mind, it may be a conversation that reveals the true potential regarding an idea or even a budding romance. And it would be of little surprise if such interactions left you feeling renewed or recharged in some bright way.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The bigger picture can reveal the potential for an overhaul of the family budget and a chance to review outgoings within this. You may find resourceful ways to make savings that could give you more spending power in other areas. Venus, your personal planet, also aligns brightly with the restless energies of Uranus, suggesting a unique encounter could prove enlivening and fun.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Over coming days an idea may seem very relevant to your present situation, offering perspectives that could be useful. If you have tried to find a solution, then a fresh viewpoint might help. It could also be a stepping point to changes that might prove effective. You could find that the more you are aligned with your core values, the easier it will be to do the right thing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Sun in your sector of dreams aligning with the ethereal energies of Neptune in your domestic zone, thoughts of redecorating your place for get-together's and entertaining may spring to mind. This influence suggests small changes such as repainting certain rooms or purchasing pictures or soft furnishings, can create a more comfortable and relaxing ambience.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Current vibes suggest you could be sensitive to atmospheres and have a natural inclination to avoid crowds or hectic situations. Your horoscope reveals that this isn't entirely possible, then a respite of a few minutes might help clear your mind and boost vitality. If a friend consults you about an idea or plan of real interest that you can work on together, this too can bring something uplifting to your day.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun in the most visible sector of your solar chart you have an opportunity to showcase your skills. This can also be a time when you may be rewarded for work well done or for seeing a goal through to the end. A developing tie to Pluto in a more private sector can be a source of support to you, encouraging you to embrace new developments as they evolve.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The solar link with Neptune in your sign suggests giving yourself time to think. You may be juggling a number of projects just now, or be sought after by friends who want to enthuse you about their plans. The current picture suggests that although you may be compelled by a sense of urgency to make certain decisions, giving yourself some leeway can be more comfortable.