Horoscopes Saturday 22nd October 2016

An edgy Sun Moon tie can ramp up the tension today and could be the reason we find it hard to come to a clear decision.

The Sun, though, also moves into the sign of Scorpio today, which can see us putting our faith in our instincts rather than taking advice from other sources. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 22nd October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 22nd October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon in a sensitive zone, you may notice that you've pushed aside certain feelings. However, today's Quarter Moon can help remedy this by enabling you to get back in touch with them. You may be secretly annoyed that you've compromised your integrity. If you've been too considerate for your own good, you may revert to being more independent Aries. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun moves into Scorpio and your sector of relating from today. But before it does so, it connects with the Moon and could alert you to doubts you may have about a plan or idea. This critical lunar phase might be a turning point if it encourages you to look into this matter further. It could be that there are one or two details out of place that can easily be remedied.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The focus shifts today as the Sun moves into your lifestyle sector and emphasises your general health and any routines that contribute to the maintenance of your daily life. Present influences can make you more discerning when it comes to deciding which activities are a wise investment of your time and money and those that might squander precious resources.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Today's Quarter Moon in your sign can make you more aware of a family member's intentions. The question is whether you're willing to go along with their ideas or not. If they interfere with your plans too much you might be less willing to compromise. However, it may be a matter of degree, as allowing a small amount of wiggle room could keep everyone happy.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun glides into your domestic sector from today and may coincide with a decision to go easy and attend to more personal matters. With a lively focus on your sector of talk and thought though, you may be busier than ever with everyday affairs. Even so, your horoscope reveals this more tranquil influence can encourage you to make time for yourself to enjoy a little peace and quiet, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although the Mercury Uranus tie is gradually fading, you could still feel the effects of this restless influence over the weekend. It might incline you to purchase items that seem necessary, but on reflection aren't. The ongoing Mars Pluto tie can encourage even bigger spending sprees. Yet, if you can factor this into a budget, you could almost break even.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Just before the Sun moves out of your sign and into your personal financial zone, it forms an edgy link with the Moon in your sector of goals and ambitions. If you've been working hard on an idea, this can be a time of taking stock and of making a few decisions. In fact, by attending to such matters now you might streamline the path ahead and avoid unnecessary snafus.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Sun eases into your sign from today for its annual four week stay, this energising force can enhance your vitality and put you back in the driving seat. If you've recently been affected by situations that seemed outside of your control, they should become less of an issue. An assertive mood could begin to build up encouraging you to get moving on key plans.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Jupiter's presence in your sector of long-held dreams can see you pondering an idea that has appeal and offers an escape route from everyday life. However, as the Sun, your planet of adventure, dips below the horizon and into a more secluded sector of your chart, the coming four weeks bring an opportunity for reflection that may alter your perspective on this plan.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Mars Pluto tie-up in your sign is still forging a strong bond that could see you pushing ahead with a goal, regardless of whether it might be helpful to you or not. However, today's Quarter Moon and other lunar links could coincide with feedback from someone who may be quite blunt about their views. And, because of their edgy attitude you could feel moved to reconsider.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun jogging into the topmost sector of your chart from today, you may be keen to grasp an opportunity that you've worked hard to attain. In fact, this might be the chance you've been waiting for and could see you moving along your chosen path. However, Jupiter's presence in your travel zone can also leave you craving far-horizons or an exotic vacation.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The cosmic backdrop could encourage thoughts about what you value most in life and whether you are living according to your principles. If you've found it rather too easy to part with your money over the past week, this weekend could see you seeking out experiences that might have more soulful meaning for you, as opposed to things that are more ephemeral.