Horoscopes Sunday 18th September 2016

With a lively blend of energies showing up, including Venus in opposition to Uranus we may be looking for entertainment that's different from the norm.

And, encounter's over coming days could  provide this, with the potential for a sparkling attraction or the opportunity to meet someone on our wavelength. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 18th September 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 18th September 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon linking to Uranus and Pluto, there may be a quality to the day that encourages you to push through obstacles to resolve an issue or reach a goal. Clearing through things like this could bring stellar opportunities, as can speaking your mind. However, do maintain a sensitivity stance to others' feelings, even if you do feel somewhat frustrated. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may appear calm on the outside, but this could mask feelings of restlessness that need an outlet. Awkward lunar ties suggest that you may be able to use some of this pent-up energy by going on a trip or doing some exercise. However, with Venus, your ruler, opposite Uranus you could also find that varying your routine and trying something different invigorates you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Venus in your leisure sector links to both Mars and Uranus, with this buoyant blend of energies making coming days pleasantly convivial. Those you connect with may have a positive effect on you by introducing you to people, places and ideas that could be fresh and stimulating. Single? There may be an opportunity for an attraction to blossom into something more.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The idea of finding balance both in your life and lifestyle may appeal. However, over coming days you might want to extend this to include home and domestic activities versus career and goals. If you've been focusing on doing and having more, the current picture suggests it may be time to enjoy the small pleasures in life, including quality time with those you care about.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If the current outlook is anything to go by you might be drawn to new scenes, faces and far horizons. Anything that can take you out of your usual environment and transport you to somewhere different may be a good thing in your eyes. Moreover, this can be a positive time to mix with people who encourage your spirit of adventure and your love of creative projects.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Ideas may be translated into action as Venus's tie with Mars suggests that you might want to make some cosmetic changes to your home. This can mean redecorating or making smaller adjustments such as buying curtains or cushions. However, it all costs money and to this end you might find some creative ways through up-cycling something in a new smart way.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus makes a positive alignment to Mars in your sector of talk and thought, it's possible that you may feel an attraction to someone and enjoy getting to know them better. This might have a sultry dimension, but it could just as easily be associated with a friendship with someone you admire Libra, perhaps because they share similar interests or tastes to you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Routines or plans could be disrupted, but in a way that might be fun. For instance, if you had an idea to spend the day with family, an invite could change that and bring an opportunity to do something that turns out to be pleasantly exciting. You could also change your schedule because you decide to follow your heart, leaving you feeling really quite exhilarated.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As the Moon in your sector of leisure links to Uranus and Pluto, you may be influenced by a friend to try something new, which might make the hours ahead a lot more interesting. However, you could enjoy yourself more if you can give yourself a limit on spending and stick within this, as not doing so could encourage you to splurge and perhaps regret it later.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may think you are drawn to someone for the help they can give you in achieving a goal or career move. Or might there be a deeper reason that you're attracted to them, one which may be revealed over coming days? It's possible that on a spiritual level you share interests or experiences that encourage you to become so much closer to one another.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your horoscope suggests you could be fascinated by someone from another country or culture. They may have led an unusual life and have stories to share that leave you with a desire to experience a few adventures of your own. In the next twelve months this can become something of a theme. One way or another, you will be wanting to open your mind or travel more extensively.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The cosmic backdrop today brings a more compulsive vibe to bear and could see you tempted to purchase an item or spend money on impulse. This may see you react to a bargain or an inner desire. If you are ordinarily rather self disciplined about marshalling such urges, it could be quite cathartic to be a little naughty and go for it. If not, think of your bank balance, Pisces.