With the Moon opposing Venus we may seek out that feeling of connection that comes through contact with with a sweetheart, friends or family.
There may be a desire to indulge our whims too which could see us ignoring any dietary restrictions or other disciplines to enjoy doing as we please. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 19th August 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 19th August 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Despite the pace at which yesterday's Eclipse may have stirred up issues associated with your social life, the wider view shows that when it comes to career and personal goals, progress can also be made. Heed your instincts for if they encourage you to push forward with a bold plan, you could get help from an unexpected quarter and from someone with influence. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may need to insist on others doing things your way, especially if you have a specific outcome in mind. However, don't feel guilty if you need to stand firm, as with the Moon in Pisces currently linking to Saturn and Neptune, a certain person could seek to undermine your wishes. Your horoscope reveals that if you know what you want, then there will be less problem in insisting you get it.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If someone asks you to present them with details of a scheme, then it would be to your advantage to do so. The present picture suggests that over coming days you may be offered help to get it underway, so having the facts at your fingertips can improve the chances of their support. If you have spare cash, you might be attracted to something stylish to complement your home.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Mars moves closer to Saturn in your work and lifestyle sector, you may be more aware of any difficulties you might encounter, and because of this be less open to the possibilities. Try not to let background fears prevent you from moving ahead, as the present set-up suggests that if you can go beyond them you could do well. A step by step approach might help.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It's possible you may be feeling the effects of yesterday's Lunar Eclipse today, which could be why you're apprehensive about approaching a certain individual. Yet, the opposite may be nearer the mark, as this can be a good time to seek them out and talk, even if doing so is a tad awkward. You might find that doing so is a relief whatever the reaction you get, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While the Moon Neptune connection can see you discussing a key plan from an abstract perspective, it might be helpful to zero in on the details now and do some research. It may not be relevant right now, but might be over coming weeks or months when you could be asked for precisely this kind of information. Some early preparation could stand you in good stead.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Although the current picture could see you overwhelmed by general tasks or by others' demands, you might have more control over how the coming days pan out than you realise. In fact, with Mars moving closer to Saturn in your sector of talk and thought, start by letting others know that you do have limits, and asserting yours will help to firm up your boundaries.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With yesterday's Eclipse still in effect and with other potent energies on the field, it would be no surprise if you found it difficult to decide what to do next. Ring a bell? If so, try not to worry or fret over it. You may find that things gradually begin to fall into place over coming days, making it easier to determine what's in your very best interests and what clearly isn't.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Just as you're getting into your stride, it may seem that certain people are stalling your efforts to move ahead. And it could be someone close who seems to be doing their best to thwart your plans. Although this issue may have reverberated around you for some time, you're probably getting wiser and stronger. Be sensitive to their needs, but be true to yourself too.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Mars and Saturn linking to Neptune could encourage you to give up on a frustrating situation. Progress though may still be possible. In fact, a proactive approach can see you rising to the challenge and forging ahead. As a result, you could turn a worrying or potentially insurmountable issue into one that inspires and that could also have an element of gain.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you need to make a decision that involves money, then do take your time. And even if others are keen for you to get a move on, don't let this influence you too much. There's also a chance that in your desire to avoid a financial glitch you might miss one simple detail. Because of this, look to reacquaint yourself with any key facts or information before you go ahead.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in your sign linking to Neptune and angling towards Mars and Saturn you may be having second thoughts about a goal that has been central to your plans. And you may find yourself swinging backwards and forwards regarding whether you want to continue or not. However, as Mars closes in on Saturn, the resolve to make a go of it can intensify, Pisces.