Horoscopes Friday 8th July 2016

If we felt badgered into taking a course of action yesterday, today can see us making something positive of this situation.

In fact, Mercury's connection with Jupiter might encourage us to see the bigger picture and how we might take advantage of an opportunity we simply hadn't noticed. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 8th March July please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 8th July 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The planetary outlook could see you wondering about someone's motives, even though you may seem to get along fine. The lunar alignment to Neptune may be the reason for this, as this aspect can often cause us to misread the cues coming from others. Even so, Venus's connection to Mars reveals that a heart-to-heart could be all it takes to see you feel more assured. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Over coming days it may be more difficult than usual to get your point across. Indeed, the planets suggest that a certain person might seem reluctant to engage. There could be a way around this though that can net you a more positive result, Taurus. If you can outline the benefits of your plan to them and how they might gain from it, it's possible they'll come round after all.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mars continuing to move forwards in your lifestyle sector, your energy levels may have increased, encouraging you to want to do more. In fact, with Venus linked to the red planet too, you might want to invest in items that can enhance your overall well-being or boost your physique. Anything that helps you feel more confident may be well worth considering.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone could attempt to make you feel guilty for not doing something as they wish. However, there are times when life gets in the way and events may have prevented you from doing so. The current backdrop suggests that if they continue to lecture you, it might be helpful to have a chat, as there may be a way you can leverage this situation so it benefits you both.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The astrological outlook suggests that if you ask a straight question you may not get a direct answer, especially if someone wants to sidestep any issues that could arise from a frank exchange. It may also be because they want to influence the outcome to suit themselves. It is though possible that you both have the same goal in mind and only need to realize that this is so.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you want to impress someone, lunar ties to Saturn and Neptune suggest that you may need to back up any claims you make with hard and fast facts and perhaps even a slice of extra personality. Mind, with Mercury linking to Jupiter, this person may even end up dazzled by what you have to say. But you will need to invest a good degree of energy to make this impact.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although tempted to take a risk, there may be other, more assured ways of getting what you want. Indeed, Venus's tie with Uranus suggests someone may tempt with a get-rich-quick-scheme, when a far more solid opportunity could be within reach. Although the sum of money involved may be smaller, it could offer a long-term solution that really works for you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With the Sun and Mercury opposing Pluto in your sector of talk and thought, you could find that while advice given to you appears persuasive and even logical, something might not seem quite right. Perhaps because of this it may be wise to hold back from making any decisions, until you have checked out the information for yourself. When you're clear, then take action.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The current line-up seems to emphasize the difference between spending and investing your money. With key planets linking to Pluto you may feel an overwhelming urge to splurge even though you don't really need anything. However, Mercury's tie to Jupiter suggests that if you invest in a course or learn a new skill you could get far more back than you paid in.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Tempting though it can be to take the independent route to accomplishing something, it might not be wise to dismiss someone's offer of help. You may need their input, especially if you have more to do than you can reasonably handle. However, your horoscope suggests that with Pluto involved in the mix you'll likely feel you can't ask. If you do reach out though, rapid progress may indeed be possible.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With Venus and Mars aligning with Uranus, there can be a right way and a wrong way to achieve your goals. The least effective way might be to try to change someone's point of view, when they are already fairly resistant as it is. The most helpful might be to draw their attention to the many benefits of working as a team and to how you might complement each other.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Bearing in mind the present backdrop, if someone tells you not to do something you may go ahead and do it anyway. Conversely, if they tell you to go ahead, you may do the opposite in that situation too. Although it may seem as though you're being contrary, the real reason for your actions might be that you want to make key decisions on your terms, and yours only.