With the ongoing Saturn Neptune aspect peaking today for the second time in it's cycle, we may question every area of our life, including our goals and ambitions.
In fact, we may have doubts about whether we can attain them or perhaps feel unworthy to do so. However, we should try not to give into such emotions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 18th June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 18th June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon's presence in the sign of the Archer might focus your attention on a conflict between freedom and responsibility. As it also ties with Mercury you may find yourself seeking out distractions that can take your mind off more mundane tasks. A careful balance between work and leisure might allow you to accomplish much but still free up personal space. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you've had a project in mind, key influences may motivate you to take action and get things moving. However, it's also possible that the attitude of certain friends may be a barrier to you making a start. Indeed, irritation concerning this could develop into something more over coming days. And if discussion doesn't work, you may decide to go ahead despite them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The sense that something is about to happen could be the reason you feel excitement as well as a tinge of apprehension. However, this may be down to the Blue Moon in your opposite sign of Sagittarius which occurs early next week. Even so, don't wait until then to tackle any niggling issues. Nipping it in the bud now might relieve any tension before it balloons.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Saturn makes an exact aspect to Neptune for the second time over the past year, you may feel overwhelmed by a certain situation. There's also a chance it involves someone close who needs more attention than usual, and that this could lead you to feel you're being taken advantage of. Is this really the case though? A heart-to-heart can reveal something surprising.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The present backdrop could throw light on an ongoing issue. Indeed, you may have wondered if you'll ever find a solution. However, over the next few days you could notice a positive difference if you're willing to take firm charge. A bold approach could be the start of the healing process and all that's necessary to remove obstacles and speed you on your way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Change may be in the air and might be triggered because you're unwilling to put up with a certain matter for much longer. With a potent Full Moon showing up early next week you may already be in a no-nonsense mood. And if you sense that you've been too easy-going where this issue is concerned, then it can dawn that you need to try another tack and very soon.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Maintaining harmonious relationships may not have been easy recently, but you have likely learned something useful as a result. Today's Moon Mercury tie might cause you to question why someone has affected you as much as they have. Furthermore, to find closure you could decide that it is better to be honest with the person in question, rather than being too diplomatic.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your core values can seem to be at stake and it may be because you are acquainted with certain people who don't have the same degree of integrity as you. Your horoscope reveals they may be perfectly nice, but at the same time you could feel that their company isn't always in your best interests. You don't have to cut them off completely, but reinforcing your boundaries may help you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Blue Moon in your sign racing up, you may find you're in the spotlight for the second time in a month. However, you might want to use this to your advantage if you're in a situation in which you've been holding back for fear of upsetting anyone. This weekend you could discover that your love of open discussion can be more effective than anything else.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Key influences this weekend could see someone emerging as a mentor or friend that you can trust and with whom you might be moved to discuss certain matters. Indeed, the Moon's link to Mercury suggests a conversation with them might enable you to see things from a more helpful perspective. This alone could be enough to give you any extra reassurance you need.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Present developments may coincide with a group project that is coming to the boil. However, if it is to be successful you may need to lay down a few more guidelines so that those involved know what to expect. With the link between Saturn and Neptune peaking, it may not be so helpful to go with the flow, but instead to steer things in the direction you want them to go.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Full Moon in Sagittarius showing up in a day or two, you may find yourself thrust into the limelight much like you were a month ago. If this proves so, you might want to use this opportunity to showcase a skill or talent, or to inform others about your plans or ambitions. You could even find that this more confident approach proves to be a turning point for you.