A sociable vibe shows up as the Moon in Leo links with Venus, adding a warm and upbeat quality to events and keeping interactions on an even keel.
However, although Venus in Gemini loves to charm with witty remarks, other influences reveal this might overlay deeper, more intense feelings. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 9th June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 9th June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The lively Leo Moon aligns positively with key planets allowing for creative ideas to percolate to the surface. Ties to the Sun, Venus and Saturn may help offset any limiting thoughts and allow you to come up with solutions that you might appreciate for their brilliance. You may just feel better for having triumphed against the odds, even if only in a relatively small way. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The trick to making the next few days as pleasant as possible may lie in encouraging another to talk about what's on their mind. If someone has seemed evasive, you may wonder what you have done to invite such a response. However, it's more likely it's not you, and that availing them of your insights and natural goodwill might ease their troubles more than you realize.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon in your sector of everyday chat encourages you to lead with your heart rather than your head when in conversation. Today, you might find that what someone really needs is a pep talk that can help them get a fresh perspective on a current issue or plan. If you can deliver this you might discover you not only inspire them, but motivate yourself too in the process.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Dreams can give a vivid impression that might not appeal to logic but certainly to your intuition. Indeed, the current picture suggests fragments of a night reverie can merit more than a passing glimpse. Furthermore, the Moon's connection with the Sun and Venus hints that valuable guidance regarding a key relationship may come from this and could prove useful.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Moon in your sign making positive connections, you may feel very at home with yourself, which can translate into lively and pleasant interactions. Socially, this may be one of the better times to organize an event and bring people together. The sense of fellowship that stems from such activities could provide support long into the future and may be very reassuring.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Mercury's tug-of-war with Mars peaks today and could lead to you feeling at odds with a certain person. If so, it may be because you have your mind set on one particular outcome and are unwilling to entertain any other. Nevertheless, if they could show you proof that there is an easier way, would you take it Virgo, or stick to your plan? The answer may prove to be revealing.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A relationship that has shown promise could develop in strength over the next day or so which may be pleasing, especially if you wondered if there was any mileage in it. Whether it's a social event that brings you together or a hobby or other pursuit, the net result may be that this friendship develops in significance for both of you over the weeks and months ahead.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although the present backdrop might encourage the occasional disagreement, there's also a suggestion that someone may see you as a source of advice that you feel unqualified to give. However, anything you can contribute may be well received, especially if it comes from your own experience. Failing this, any inspired insights might also help them to find some closure.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This can be a good time to make small daily changes that build over the months ahead, and that could become a part of your life over the long-term. However, there may be a side of you that is reluctant to change and that conflicts with more progressive ideas. Your horoscope reveals this tendency can be especially strong over coming days, give yourself enough time to consider all angles.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Although the present alignment suggests you may be busy with many demands on your time, a sociable blend of energies can see you taking time to chat to a co-worker or make the acquaintance of someone you know by sight, but have never spoken to. However, such small gestures can leave you feeling upbeat and perhaps open to taking things even further.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Mercury in the final degrees of your home zone, you may find yourself reflecting on any discoveries made over recent weeks perhaps while browsing through photo albums or tidying up. However, with the planet of communication opposing Mars in Scorpio, you might be reluctant to speak about such matters if they are very personal and no-one else needs to know.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The astrological picture suggests that if words were exchanged leaving a somewhat uneasy feeling between you and another, the coming days can be helpful for making amends. Even so, doing so may not be as awkward as you might assume, especially as Mars in its rewind phase can enable you to put yourself in their shoes, and by doing so, smooth over any ruffles.