Horoscopes Wednesday 1st June 2016

The Moon's tie with Uranus can see us looking for new experiences and for ways to add a little excitement to the day ahead.

However, if we have been waiting for a situation to come to an end, this lunar aspect might cause us to become impatient and so do something about it. FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 1st June 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 1st June 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While the present Mercury Pluto connection can indicate genuine interest in a goal, plan or perhaps a job offer there are influences at play that might negate this. For instance, lunar links to Uranus and Pluto can encourage a flippant approach, which might mean that you miss out. Indeed, ongoing conflicting energies require you to stay resolutely focused, Aries. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

This can be a good day to take a more wide-angled view of life, and particularly to look into ideas and opportunities that provide a fresh slant on life. At the same time, restless energies could be the reason you're tempted to pick up on an activity or plan that seems to fulfil a need over coming days. This might not prove so helpful to progress over the longer-term, though.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The way the planetary set-up looks, it would be no surprise if you find yourself pulled in a number of directions. If this is the case Gemini, a soulful resonance from Pluto encourages you to pause for a while and think very deeply. Although friends or social peers may be keen for you to join them, a chance for some quiet time could help you make one or two key decisions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Sun and Venus in a secluded sector of your chart making some critical aspects, emotions may rise to the surface when you least expect them to. Nevertheless, with the Sun inclining to Neptune, being open to acknowledging and accepting them may be a helpful step. In fact, by doing so pent-up tensions can unravel, leaving you feeling far more relaxed.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It can help to remain focused regards a meeting or project that shows potential promise, as you'll then be in a position to take things to the next level. However, your horoscope suggests the Moon's links to both Uranus and Pluto could add a disruptive note to events. And with other planetary conflicts ongoing, the most obvious course of action may not be the easiest to accomplish.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the present astrological backdrop forming a complex and somewhat edgy blend of energies, discerning your next move may require some thought. The reason may be that your loyalty to various people or groups might make it more difficult for you to do what's best for you. However, with dreamy Neptune involved in the mix, you may feel guilty about saying no.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As the Sun and Venus sync with the compassionate energies of Neptune, you may be called to help out a friend or spend time with someone who needs to talk. However, it's also possible that doing so could take valuable time away from priorities near the top of your to-do list. Even so, your generous gesture may leave you feeling uplifted and likely won't go unnoticed.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Someone's powers of persuasion may be to the fore today, so you could be put on the spot. Whether it's a person with something to sell or a friend or loved one hoping you'll lend a hand, refusing may not be easy. However, in this instance, it may be wise to consider what's in it for you. If you feel resentful that they're even asking, why not politely decline them.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A potent planetary connection can see you putting in effort to make the right choices; the ones that are good for your overall well-being and that are not too expensive either. Even so, a temptation to stray may show up. The focus on your pleasure sector combined with conflicting lunar links could be a reason to give in to rebellious impulses, even if you know better.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Given the present astrological background you may feel justified in using a degree of charm to obtain help, but unfortunately it could backfire. Links to Neptune suggest the person in question may sense what is going on and be less likely to co-operate. However, a more straightforward aspect reveals that if you're honest with them you can get what you want and perhaps more.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The current blend of energies encourages you to question your priorities, especially if you're feeling pulled in different directions. For instance, friends or your team of helpers may make certain demands, or you might experience conflict around financial issues. Nevertheless, an absolutely no-nonsense influence hints that by acknowledging certain truths decisions can be made.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While there may be responsibilities to attend to, developing connections between the Sun, Venus and Neptune could entice you to take the pressure off yourself by spending time at home, if possible. Even the chance to relax and do nothing much can leave you feeling lighter and brighter. Rescheduling plans or delegating tasks might make life easier too, Pisces.