As the Aries Moon aligns with Venus and Saturn, the cosmos can encourage us not to accept a certain situation as we find it.
Indeed, it hints that if we can be proactive we might influence someone to be a little more spontaneous, which could brighten a social event or even a special date night. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 31st May 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 31st May 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The idea of setting out on a new adventure, no matter how big or small, may be both exciting but somehow daunting. However, this week any feelings of concern can peak and could cause you to falter in your tracks. If you're wondering whether you could be held back by unexpected glitches, then it is possible. But so is the option of finding a way around such issues. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With key influences presently at odds with each other, it may be that friends or associates could spotlight a developing issue before you do. They may also be ready to offer advice. Will you take it though? The present Mercury Pluto connection encourages you to do your own research first, as information may be unearthed that as far as you're concerned, changes things.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A vibrant yet potentially competitive line-up suggests the idea of doing something to make your talents and presence known on the stage of life could appeal, but may be quickly quashed if you think about it too much. However, it might be worth taking stock of what you do have to offer, as you may be underestimating one skill that could be very useful over the long-term.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While the idea of a fresh perspective is often bandied about, in your case Cancer, shifting your viewpoint could offer you opportunities or solutions you didn't know about. Indeed, friends may actively encourage you to have a go if you're reluctant to move out of your comfort zone. It's very likely that in this instance the benefits could outweigh any initial difficulties.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Jupiter's tight angle with Saturn could be the reason you decide to review your present budget with a view to investing in items or experiences that might add more value to your life. Bearing this in mind, anything too superficial may not pass the purchase test. However, Mercury's influence hints at looking into ideas that may be money-makers in their own right.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As the planet of talk and thought aligns with Pluto, the cosmos can encourage you to take an idea or relationship more seriously. And although you may be uncertain of someone's motives you might be pleasantly surprised at how rapidly things develop. Indeed, with Jupiter also on the playing field, the benefits of taking things further may soon become more obvious.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Lunar links with both Venus and Saturn could spotlight a communication issue that might need a sensitive touch if conversation or negotiations are to continue on. However, with Saturn continuing to spin backwards and linking to Neptune, it's possible that a misunderstanding concerning who is responsible for what could be the underlying issue here.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A connection between Mercury and Pluto suggests that before you sign on the dotted line or agree to another's terms and conditions, it might be an idea to examine everything in some detail. In fact, a contrasting and somewhat confusing blend of aspects hints that if you don't, you may be drawn into a binding contract in which you give much and get little back.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although the present alignment suggests you may be ready to make a few changes, in practice it would be wise not to dispense with anything that has worked well for you in the past. And with Saturn still rewinding, this can be an opportunity to consolidate present achievements by building on what has already brought you success – and thereby cutting out any risk.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A potent link can bring pleasure options and even romance into focus. However, along with this heady mix, which encourages intense interactions, temptation may also be present. It's possible the seed of a new friendship or something more soulful may be planted. But before you get too involved, consider whether this bond is really in your best interests.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With an intriguing mix of energies showing up, there may be a chance to explore new avenues you haven't considered. By doing so you'll be able to increase the range of options open to you, whereas by playing safe this might not happen. You may have to go through a learning curve, but it could well be worth it to engage with opportunities to take things further.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A transformative connection between Mercury and power planet, Pluto could bring someone new your way who has quite an impact. Although you may find their presence to be fairly intense, your horoscope suggests you might also notice that in their company you feel inspired to aim higher or to attempt things that are a bit of a stretch. From this, your life could move in a new direction.