A note of intensity can show up from today as the Moon glides into Scorpio, deepening perceptions and encouraging us to read between the lines.
In fact, if we have been tempted to take a person or a situation at face value, then over coming days we may realize there is more going on then meets the eye. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 19th May 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 19th May 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may have more wiggle room than you realise regarding a plan that to all appearances seems to have stalled. While progress may be slow, it isn't altogether impossible. You may feel that you are going through a learning curve, but as you feel your way forward should any issues arise, you will find yourself in a better position to get where you want to be, Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The present picture spotlights two ways to tackle any misunderstandings that might arise due to Jupiter opposing the evasive energies of Neptune. The first way, revealed by Saturn's critical angle in a sensitive area of your chart, can be to adopt a defensive approach which may block further communication. The better way is to keep an open mind and invite discussion.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the Sun moving into your sign from tomorrow for a four week spell, you may note a feeling of restlessness, especially as there's a Full Moon the day after. This can be a time of new beginnings for you, when plans and the emotions associated with them may vie for your attention. Even so, taking a step back and prioritizing can get you in the frame of mind to make a start.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The current blend of energies can be a call to reflect on your activities and how much they contribute to your overall satisfaction and happiness. The chances are that you may need to relegate one or two options to the bottom of your list and elevate certain others to the top. Being realistic about what might be helping or hindering you could make this process easier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you're still finding your feet in a new situation then Mercury's forward motion in a few days can certainly make life easier. For now though, don't hesitate to ask questions or seek out advice as this can see you expand your knowledge base. In addition, the presence of Venus in the topmost sector of your chart hints that a little charm can smooth the way ahead.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Saturn's retrograde in your family sector and the aspects it makes may seem challenging, but can hold the key to positive change. However, using this planet advantageously may involve going back over a situation and understanding how key decisions may have contributed to your situation now. Your horoscope reveals that unpicking the knot and resolving tensions can give you the leeway you seek.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
How much you do for others versus how much you do for yourself, may be a cause for concern. In fact, the present set-up might encourage you to feel guilty for no good reason. With Saturn at the apex of an edgy aspect pattern, it can seem that no matter how much you help out it isn't enough. Ask yourself if you're doing too much, and needing to step back.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Even though Mercury is approaching the end of its second annual rewind, misunderstandings are still going to be possible. Should you find yourself at cross-purposes with someone, it's possible that a willingness to compromise or even to concede their point could pave the way for greater trust. Indeed, the tie with Jupiter hints that beneficial opportunities may arise from this.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
In the course of your day, you could meet with someone who inspires you or entices you to step out of your comfort zone. In fact, with Jupiter involved in the mix, this potentially fortuitous encounter could be the reason you're prompted to have another go at a plan that has fallen by the wayside. It seems possible their words may help reignite your self-belief, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The current backdrop can encourage you to spread your wings, which could mean travel is on the cards or that you may want to learn a new skill or expand your horizons in other ways. However, over coming days new options might also arise due to an oversight. Once remedied this matter could prove beneficial to you, perhaps offering a chance you should seize.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This can be a time when hidden talents can come to light or when you may feel motivated to redevelop a skill that has lain dormant. Essentially the cosmic line-up is suggesting it's worth having a go, even if you're worried about what others might say. If all goes well, the coming three weeks could be pivotal in you really making this strand come to the centre of your world.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The next few days could offer a golden opportunity to connect with someone or perhaps to hang out with a group or link with family members. The chance to catch up and exchange news or visit places that have special significance might give you quite a boost. However, if a deal or collaboration currently seem doubtful, a turnaround could still emerge in the weeks ahead.