Horoscopes Monday 16th May 2016

Although current aspects might coincide with frustrating circumstances, we may find it easier to navigate through any snafus if we take a closer look.

Indeed, Mercury in its rewind phase can be helpful for backtracking and reviewing matters, enabling us to see where changes may be required. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 16th May 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 16th May 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There are times when we feel highly motivated, yet have no choice but to proceed slowly – and this could be one of them. Although you might have big plans, the present mix involving Saturn's retrograde and its ties to Jupiter and Neptune, suggest that it can be better to research your options and to develop clever solutions for when you are able to move forward. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may seem as though life would be happier and easier if a money matter or relationship issue could be sorted out to your satisfaction. As it is, you may feel as though your best efforts are falling short. However, when we are under pressure this can sometimes push us to try options that might vary from our normal approach, but which can spark a good change.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be tempted to question beliefs that have been melded into you in childhood or have soaked up at challenging times. And the present Mercury Pluto influence can encourage you to ponder why you respond to key situations as you do, and to consider that certain assumptions may now need exchanging for ones that are truly relevant to your current life strands.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With Jupiter now forging ahead in your communication sector, pending opportunities may now become available, especially if you are set to move in new circles or join some kind of club. Indeed, your horoscope reveals there's a lot to be said for getting involved in a whole range of activities, as this can spark new alliances. One connection can also become more intimate than it has been.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A positive aspect pattern hints you may feel ready to tackle an adventurous plan or goal – and one that you might thoroughly enjoy being involved with. While it's true that the stars currently encourage you to be bold and expand your horizons, in practice a little more research and planning may be required if you're to attain exactly the outcome you hope for, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A harmonious connection between the Sun and Moon suggests your head and heart can be in harmony and that you're in sync with deeper feelings that could see you move out of your comfort zone. Even so, the bigger picture hints that in order to do so you'll need to detach from property and family issues temporarily, as any concerns around these may stifle creativity.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Venus's waning connection to Pluto could signal an end to a desire that may have been all consuming of late. Might this be for the best Libra, as this influence may have encouraged cravings which don't always live up to our expectations. Even so, the Sun's move into Gemini later in the week may bring a lighter and more adventurous vibe into play after such intense days.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you keep in mind that the old naturally gives way to the new, you may find it easier to let go of a situation which no longer works for you. The Mercury Pluto tie suggests that it might be an association or relationship under review. If so, there may not be any tension involved in the decision, just the mutual realization that you're better off going your separate ways.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your tolerant side can mean you're very accommodating of other people's quirks and foibles, which is just as well as one person may have seemed not quite themselves lately. However, this could be down to a problem that's causing difficulties. Indeed, if you're willing to reach out to them you can prove a reassuring presence and perhaps a helpful anchor for them.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Try as you might to resolve a deeply personal issue, in practice today's alignment can make it difficult to do so. Saturn's connection to Neptune in your sector of talk and thought can mean that your perceptions of an event or conversation may have become cloudy or distorted. Bearing this in mind it may be best not to even try, but if possible, to simply let it go.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Over the coming weeks you have an opportunity to focus on a situation or plan so as to maximize success. However, with Mercury rewinding then turning direct over the weekend, a degree of faith may be needed that everything will work out for the best. By the end of the month though, things may turn out to be going better than you had hoped, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While you may be keen to play a bigger part on the stage of life, doing so often comes with greater responsibilities. In fact, it may be the thought of moving out of your comfort zone that is causing a degree of ambivalence. The answer for now could be to take your time, as with Saturn and Mars rewinding your best laid plans can change – so go easy Pisces.