Horoscopes Thursday 5th May 2016

With the restless energies of Uranus in play, we may find our schedule prone to disruptions, which could prove frustrating if we have a lot to contend with.

Even so, the planetary set-up can also encourage some impressive insights, one of which might spotlight the solution to a complex dilemma. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 5th May 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 5th May 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A liberating burst of energy can see you looking at life from fresh perspectives. This might be just what's needed to bring extra sparkle to an idea that, although basically sound, may lack some dynamism. The same can apply to relationships under today's influences. Indeed, connecting with an old friend could bring renewed vitality and fun to a long-lasting bond. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As Mercury continues to spin backwards, it is getting ready to align with Pluto for the second time, suggesting that you may have to rethink a recent decision, especially if it is one that may have powerful repercussions for your future. If you do feel this way then it's likely no bad thing, as feelings and circumstances do change. Giving yourself more time can help.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There are times in everyone's life when the realization that something has to change becomes very clear. Over the coming days and the following week, you could experience this too, Gemini. The Sun's present alignment with a transformative influence will encourage you to shift gears, though this can be a natural progression rather than a full-on struggle.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With Mars and Saturn continuing to flip backwards in your sector of daily activity it's easy to feel that you're slipping behind despite your best efforts. It can seem that no matter what steps you make to plan ahead, something always crops up. However, there's a constructive element to this too, and others may be more than willing to chip in and help out.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Moon's connection with the impulsive energies of Uranus may add an element of surprise to your day. And perhaps no one will be more amazed than you if you were to take off on a whim. It's entirely possible that a call or email could act as a catalyst and awaken a desire for adventure. If you have the freedom to get up and go, then why not do so, Leo?

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you've been nurturing a desire to expand your options by taking on a challenging goal, the excitement may already be mounting. However, with several major planets in retrograde, a period of preparation may be not only wise, but necessary. So try not to be too impulsive. Your horoscope reveals there could be some unintended consequences that could be triggered by rash moves.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The way the planets are shaping up over the days ahead reveals that deeper forces are at work reshaping your life, and they may be doing so beneath the level of everyday awareness. One way to discover more about what's coming up can be to tap into your dreams. Some may hold important clues that can enable you to make more informed decisions about key issues.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The web of relationships that informs your social life may be about to restructure itself over the coming week, bringing certain connections to the forefront and pushing others into the background. In addition, you may find yourself drawn to create new alliances, which could prove significant. Indeed, this mish-mash of influences could enrich you greatly.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It would be no surprise if you developed feelings of wanderlust, particularly as the Moon's link to the lively energies of Uranus could see you eager to head off into the wild blue yonder or do some armchair travelling if a TV programme or surfing the web appeals. The key to enjoying the day is to allow yourself to be guided by your curiosity and see where it leads.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The urge to create can be one outcome of the present backdrop, and one that you might find yourself drawn to. Ideas that have been maturing over time may seek expression through your particular skill, which could range from painting to cooking to just about any talent out there. There's more though, as the coming days can also encourage bolder ambitions.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun's connection with the purging energies of Pluto may seep into awareness over coming days and can be the reason you feel moved to clear out clutter around the home. This may be symbolic of a need to let go of deeper patterns that have outgrown their usefulness. If there's more space around and within you, soon new growth can begin to show up.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although the Moon's link with Uranus can bring on impulsive urges, this needn't always be the case. Today certainly has this quality about it, but the wider picture reveals that where spending is concerned, an intuitive knowingness may guide your hand when choosing what to buy. However, at work overconfidence is something you need to avoid, Pisces.