Lunar links can be a tad edgy today, and with Uranus and Pluto involved in the mix we may feel overwhelmed by any unanticipated demands made on us.
However, a very sociable alignment between Mercury and Jupiter hints that attending a social event can have the opposite effect, leaving us energised and upbeat. FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 13th April 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 13th April 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Jupiter continues its run-in with Saturn, it may seem as though time is in short supply, and make it difficult to accomplish as much as you'd like. However, Mercury's fine angle to Jupiter suggests a way to overcome this and that is taking a firmer grip and giving others clear indications of when you are busy and when you are free to socialize and interact. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An upsurge in confidence can see you eager to push forward with a creative project or hobby and in the process to make discoveries that could open doors in the future. Discussing this with others could gift you with a wide range of opinions – some positive and some not so helpful. Ignore the naysayers Taurus, and ride this wave of extra optimism while you can.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Do you feel alternately upbeat then downcast concerning a relationship that holds an important place in your life? If this is the case, it may help to detach if you're to have any peace of mind. However, with Saturn regressing and Mars soon to follow suit, your relationship sector and your attitudes to ties are unlikely to be completely clear for some while, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Whilst helpful lunar aspects to Jupiter can enhance confidence over the next day or so, your intention to get involved could be affected by those types of people who are more inclined to criticize. If you're feeling especially sensitive this could stop you in your tracks or it can strengthen your resolve, especially as proving doubters wrong can often be satisfying.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It's not often that you experience indecision, but with Mars virtually at a standstill prior to going into a retrograde, you might find yourself swinging between different options. However, while the lively energy of Venus can encourage you to be adventurous, dreamy Neptune's influence suggests that things may be more complex than they appear, so take your time.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Is an interest of yours at a critical phase? If so, Mercury's wonderful connection with Jupiter and Pluto, suggests you now have an opportunity to take things further or even to scale back and look to do something else. However, if this project is proving irresistible, go with it. This planetary vibration is one of the best there is, so needs surfing to the full.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Are you having reservations about a friendship or even a budding romance? If so, this may in part be down to Mars, your relationship planet, which is getting ready to turn retrograde. If a promising association begins to seem less so, it may not be that it's unsuitable, but that for now it's best to bide your time, and give yourself some wiggle room, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Does your financial situation seem somewhat constrained? If so, consider taking action to improve matters – such as by making small but necessary adjustments to your budget. While it might seem that others have it easier, your natural ability to dig in can see you change things, slowly but surely for the better. Furthermore, there is more to life than our bank balances.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If someone you know suggests you take their advice, don't feel obliged to do so. Currently your horoscope hints that although they may appear to know what they're talking about on this particular situation, this is not a given. In the final analysis, hear others out, but blend this with your own experiences. This will help guide you through the day.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Are you uncertain of your next move? If so, it may be best to bide your time. Situations and circumstances around you appear changeable and unpredictable. You might put in a lot of effort and see few results. For now, the current backdrop suggests you'd be better to focus on those things which are more tangible and practical. Leave ambitious plans be for now.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Are you seeing limited progress around one key area? If need be, redirect your energies to the things you can directly influence. Home and property matters are a point in case. Be it creating more space, re-organising or considering working from your abode, these can be things which you could make sustained progress around – if you really apply yourself.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon moves part way through today into your sector of affections. This can spark your need to connect with those you really care for. With Jupiter, the planet of plenty, in your sector of partnerships also angling brilliantly to Mercury, this gives you an ideal opportunity to share the warmth of your feelings. Sharing good food and other creature comforts can help too.