Horoscopes Saturday 9th April 2016

The Sun's invigorating link to Uranus can see us happily embracing our unique qualities and even flaunting them. Indeed, just being ourselves can be a real tonic right now.

We might find oursleves drawn to experienecs and people that are different from the norm and open our minds to new thoughts and perspectives. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 9th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 9th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Tempting though it may be to follow your own star, is this really the ideal time to go for it? With lunar ties angling towards both Jupiter and Pluto, you're right to take advantage of any opportunities, but not if they jeopardize your longer term security. So, as much as the new and novel can really captivate you, be rigorous in checking out the validity of these. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Considering the present astrological backdrop, any new ideas will need scrutinizing. Fortunately, the Sun's angle to stern Saturn in particular, can encourage you to think about the true merits of any ideas and whether the excitement on offer is really worth it. The trick just now is going to be in combining originality with common sense, but this can be a winning formula.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As Mars in your sector of relating aspects Neptune in your zone of prestige and ambition, don't be too keen to take on board the suggestions of others, for one person may have an ulterior motive. While they may seem to have your best interests at heart for now, this could change over time. This is one of those situations where listening to your intuition is key.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although the on-going Sun Uranus conjunction suggests unexpected opportunities are to the fore, consider if you would be willing to sacrifice your freedom to capitalise. With the planet of Saturn in retrograde in your lifestyle sector and Mars about to do so too, some kind of reorganisation may be needed, and you need to be open to this as well as greater success.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Lively energies hint at exciting exchanges over coming days. You can enjoy meeting any new people too, and with Venus moving to make a delightful angle with Mars, one of these could have romantic potential or turn into a unique but long lasting friendship. However, with the deceptive energies of Neptune still to the fore, don't take anyone only at face value.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may feel like doing something outrageous to garner the attention of a certain person and demonstrate that you're not always as unassuming as you're made out to be. Indeed, precisely this could see you attract someone into your orbit who likes your new style. Equally, someone else could be much less swayed. If you are open to either possibility, why not go for it?

Libra 24 September – 23 October

While the Moon in a more sensitive area of your chart can see you contemplating some important decisions, knowing where to begin may be another matter. With potential conflict showing up in relationships and around personal issues, advice may be needed. However, with Mars squaring up to Neptune, rely on your own judgement above all, Libra

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may have every intention of sorting out your finances and yet when it comes down to it, find yourself carrying on as usual. In fact, you may be hard-pressed to make any progress at this time, as an ongoing hazy influence might mean you're deceiving yourself over how much you're spending. The sooner you can grapple with this though, the better Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

An unexpected event could upset your plans, but may do so in a way that brings hope of better things to come. This curve ball may show up in the form of a chance to collaborate on a fun yet challenging project or an encounter that has quite an impact on you. However, it's best not to have too many expectations as you may have to forego something to gain something.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although certain people in your life may want to speed up the pace of change, your current reaction may be to slow it down. With Saturn, your personal planet, currently rewinding in your psychological sector and Mars in the same zone about to follow suit, your horoscope suggests not trusting anything that happens too quickly. Even so, too much hesitation could mean you miss out.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your talents can be in demand over the next couple of days and what's more, someone may be willing to pay for your services. Although this could be a one off initially, if you do well you may be asked to do more, making this a potential source of income. However, if it's a friend asking for help, don't refuse money if it is offered. Value your services.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Because courageous Mars challenges ambivalent Neptune, you may find yourself at a crossroads and wondering whether to tread a familiar route or to venture into uncharted territory. Furthermore, you could uncover other options which are of equal interest. Don't get involved in anything that compromises your ideals too much though, as this won't sit well with you.