Sandwiched between yesterday's Solar Eclipse and Venus's square with Saturn tomorrow is a splendid link between the Sun, Mercury and Mars, giving us the mental strength to handle any snafus.
What this upbeat influence seems to impart is an ability to see the advantages in a situation that may have appeared problematic. Indeed, from this new perspective it might even appear a blessing. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 24th March 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 24th March 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may feel very strongly that it's time to expand your horizons and see more of the world. We can all benefit by moving out of our comfort zones, and whether this means travelling, taking up a course, or offering to teach others something you're good at, why not? Do you have the feeling that no one will take you seriously Aries? If so, it's simply not true! {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you're thinking of investing your money in opportunities for expansion and growth, then the present backdrop can motivate you to be positive. This might involve spending on your property or perhaps looking into starting a business. Equally you might gain by tidying up your financial affairs. Nevertheless, don't be swayed by others, this is your time to be proactive.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You don't need to restrict yourself to the tried and trusted when there are so many opportunities open to you. However, you could be held back by a fear of criticism or rejection of your ideas. Venus's connection with Jupiter and Saturn suggests you may face objections from more than one quarter. Compromise if you must, but don't easily abandon your hopes.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If a certain person has upset you in any way, you may be in the throes of deciding what to do about them. It seems you have two choices, which are to be lenient and give them the benefit of the doubt, or to be strict and let them know you won't tolerate this any longer. Opt for the latter, then focus on more important matters, as dwelling on this issue won't help.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Don't aim low – instead consider raising your sights and reaching for the stars. The recent Lunar Eclipse may have made you aware of an opportunity that could be yours if you're willing to put yourself on the line. Avoid listening to the voice of doubt if it is discouraging you from following your instincts. It's time to prove you can overcome your limitations.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you're seeking support from others you might not get it, and could come away feeling uncertain about current plans. However, as the Sun and Mercury angle towards Mars, the cosmos encourages you to tap into your inner resources and be bold. Once you've taken the first step you'll find it easier to take the next, by which time you'll feel more self-assured.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Who you liaise with can make quite a difference to any decisions you're about to make, particularly those associated with your future. One person could have a realistic view of things, whereas if you ask someone who is positive and upbeat, you'll get a much more agreeable answer. However Libra, you'll need to find a balance that's right for you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This is the time to think about both short-term and long-term security and how you might improve on both. With Saturn about to rewind until August, you may become more aware of what needs to be done to achieve the level of comfort you desire. In fact, you might enjoy recycling items and finding cheaper ways to achieve a similar standard of living.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
On the one hand you may be itching to explore new activities, especially if they involve family and friends. On the other hand, you may be aware of certain deadlines that need to be accomplished. Nevertheless, with Saturn about to rewind in your sign you could find pressures lessen over coming weeks and that you can have a bit more time to yourself.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If a situation seems overwhelming then expect some support from family members who seem keen to boost your spirits. Indeed, this could be just what's needed to restore any flagging spirits. So, should you be beset by confusion or some doubts, you may find their clear-cut no nonsense advice enables you to cut through any confusion and forge ahead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
What seemed too difficult to contemplate might appear less threatening if you get your friends involved. They seem keen to collaborate with you or advise you on certain matters. If you can provide the ideas while they supply the motivation, you'll accomplish far more together than alone. Ignore one person though, who seems to be something of a thorn in your side.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You might receive an offer that enables you to do something to improve your future prospects. However, to make the most of it a makeover or new hairstyle, some smart clothes or a change of image could enhance your charisma. If you go out of your way to look and feel really good then you won't go far wrong – and can be proud of the way you handled yourself.