Jupiter joins Mercury by slamming on the proverbial cosmic brakes. Located in detriment in Virgo, this suggests we need to avoid taking things for granted in the upcoming four months.
It doesn't mean we as individuals will be unlucky, but it does suggest we need to be really grounded about our resources, in particular. The world's stock markets, may well retract under this retrograde. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 5th January 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Attending to responsibilities could make up the bulk of your day. Duty calls so you may need to knuckle down and just do it. As Mercury heads back into Capricorn, something you've forgotten may need to be urgently taken care of. If you get to it right away you efforts can be noticed by someone influential. Expect work appointments to be fluid too now.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may handle financial matters very conservatively at this time, with Venus's tie to Saturn encouraging you to be cautious about taking on loans or extra credit. This planetary aspect though, can be very useful as long as you use it to ground you so when making any business or deep romantic decisions you are much less likely to act on impulse.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
An awkward blend of energies suggests that someone close to you may need reassurance or perhaps some gentle words of advice. It's possible that something you say could provide much needed inspiration. Mind, if a love involvement has reached a key phase, don't try to duck out of a really sincere attempt to discuss things seriously. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The urge to make progress with an important project can see you teaming up with someone. Jointly you can spur one another on to actually make it happen. Although the sassy energies of Mars in Scorpio are making waves in your leisure sector, if this project is important enough, you may push all your energies in the direction of this for now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There are times Leo, when you can appreciate other people being in the driver's seat, and today might be one of them. Venus's tie with Saturn may bring you into contact with someone who has the mark of efficiency about them that gives you confidence, and in fact, handing the reins over to them could actually prove to be quite a relief.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your thoughts may dwell on a sport or perhaps a pastime that you once enjoyed. With the planet of talk and thought moving back into the ambitious Capricorn, you may be motivated to have another go, especially if you previously excelled at this. If you enjoy telling jokes or regaling people with funny stories, these too can come to the fore.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may need to deal with a setback or disappointment today, and if you do it might bring up some difficult feelings. It's possible that you're taking the current and challenging Venus Saturn connection in a very personal way, and therefore feel duty bound to say something. If you do, it is essential that you are both sincere and direct.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The excess nervous energy that has been dominating your situation for some time can be ramped up again from today. Look to avoid over stimulating your mind, certainly with too much distracting technology. Ironically if you can invest the time and drive you do have into focused mental pursuits, you can be very effective or learn new skills.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
An uncomfortable tie between Venus and Saturn can see you feel like you're on the outside of a social group looking in. Your natural buoyancy may be rather muted. You may feel that your personal image falls short too and compare yourself unhelpfully to others. Yet if more than one person is interested in you, you might need to make your mind up.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You might find that Mercury's move back into your sign today brings someone's words sharply to mind. Although it's hard to know what motivates others to say the things they do, if someone does grate on you, try to rationalise it. Issues of trust in close ties are being aroused just now. Any self doubts you have could surface. You may crave reassurance.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Friendships are the bedrock of most Aquarius people's existence. Is that true of you too? This is an area that can be as important to you as family. However today, and in the next year or so you are going to be learning a lot more about what you really need in terms of these alliances, and the ones that fail to come up to scratch.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Be sincere in any professional interactions. Even if you don't particularly like someone you have to deal with, neither pretend you do, or be off hand. Respect is the key issue. And in fact, this is more valuable than many people realise. Deal in a straightforward way with those you meet and work with, and look to get this in return, Pisces.