Later today Mars makes his way into one of the two signs he governs, Scorpio. The next six weeks are set to be very intense indeed, with all sorts of passions being stirred.
How this plays out will be different for every zodiac sign, and dependent on the location of key planets and positions within your natal chart. The big picture is that Mars will be spending an extended period in Scorpio this year, and immediately is in conflict with Mercury. Financial tangles with those we are close to, are possible. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 3rd January 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you've been feeling complacent or experiencing a lack of spark about a key issue, things could change from today as Mars your ruler, moves into the passionate Scorpio. This can see you deciding to take a tougher stance. Yet it will be important not to become so determined to get what you want, it makes you overbearing.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Action orientated Mars moves into your relationship sector. The lighter vibe you've enjoyed recently gives way to a heavier pulse, which might be an arbiter of change concerning your social life and connection with significant others. Even so, should you encounter intense emotions today a sense of detachment may help.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mercury's new location in Aquarius, your zone of exploration and education, can motivate you to look into new opportunities that expand horizons and enhance aspirations. Then again, if you are keen to enhance your productivity, you may have to resolve to show maximum application. Your mind and attention could wander. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the Moon syncs with Mercury and Mars, a note of irritation can seep into the day, particularly if things aren't panning out as you'd hoped. Head and heart may clash and vie for attention, which could lead to some confusion over whether you should attend to the facts or your feelings to get the outcome you're after.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Family dynamics can get stirred in the next six weeks as Mars powers into your home zone. During this time you might be motivated to change the look and feel of your place with a little creative redecoration. Ongoing emotional issues may need attention too, though you may find your mood a little more up and down at times.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As the Sun moves closer to Pluto you may come to a few conclusions concerning a project – or perhaps a relationship you're involved with. Perhaps something needs to give, although at this stage you may not be quite sure what this will exactly be. Over the next day or so, expect to experience a greater sense of urgency.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Having bestowed on you a renewed sense of confidence and purpose, Mars leaves your sign and motors into Scorpio and your personal financial sector, where its influence can encourage a paring down of expenses but conversely the desire to improve your earnings. Talking of desire, your love life can hot up too, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Over the last six weeks Mars may have helped you erase any outstanding emotional baggage or seen you more aware of your deeper motives and drives. In Scorpio from today, it encourages greater self-expression and involvement in meaningful plans, especially ones you can be at the heart of. New goals can soon emerge.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Financial matters could be a cause of tension, particularly if you're taking stock after festive and New Year's expenditure. Yet if books are to be balanced, it will be important to take personal responsibility for this. If you do have the cash to splash out just now, adding greater pizzazz to your personal presentation can appeal.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may be keen to try out a new idea that involves both traditional and cutting-edge values. As the Sun moves closer to Pluto in your sign, you might notice a renewed determination to make some radical changes. Don't underestimate how your links with others can be part of this, especially forward thinking people.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Mercury in your sign angling towards tough guy Mars, newly arrived in Scorpio, don't be too quick to perceive another person's different viewpoint or ideas as a personal attack. Try to keep open the lines of communication. However, there is little doubt that you can show a more ambitious streak in the weeks to come.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your future aspirations are coming sharply into focus. Within this can be a desire for a bit of a shake up. Even if you are someone who is welded to routines and basically happy domestic bliss, remember the old maxim that change can be as good as a rest, and the truth of this can become more and more obvious from here on in.