Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 23rd November 2015

The Moon goes face to face with Saturn today, and this aspect, whilst only fleeting, does asks us to stand mindful of the way people perceive what we say, and even how we say it. 

With Mercury and Mars also in a right angle, despite any festive revelleries, any exchanges which require a more thoughtful take, suggests we should veer clear of being too impulsive. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 23rd December 2015 please see below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Hold fast Aries, as keeping busy may actually be the best way to handle any pre-Christmas nerves. These can be down to lunar ties with both Saturn and Neptune, and there may be moments when you feel overwhelmed. This is when you'd be best to focus on what's in front of you. As the day unfolds, confidence should rebound.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Part of the enjoyment of the festive period is the opportunity to connect with old friends and new. And with Venus making sterling ties to Jupiter and Mercury, any get-togethers or meet ups you attend could prove to be rewarding. Today's a little more special though, as someone's bright suggestion could open new doors.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon in your sign today Gemini ties to both Saturn and Neptune, which could, at least briefly make for a rather awkward influence. This may echo feelings of upset regarding a situation you haven't felt entirely comfortable with for some time. Even so, try to see the progress you have made, and stay positive. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the race on to get everything sorted out for Christmas day, you could experience one or two hiccups. Caught up in this last minute surge, the chances are that the last thing you want to do is attend a meeting or social event that you aren't enthused about. Nevertheless, if you do make an effort, an encounter could delight.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Should you or shouldn't you? If you're tempted by an opportunity or a purchase, making your mind up could take some time, Leo. However, it's not so much what you decide that makes the difference, but the reasoning behind it that counts. If your priorities are in order, you'll feel more comfortable about such expenditure.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The theme of how to survive this Christmas period financially may be a concern today. On the one hand you might feel guilty about indulging. However, you're also aware that after all your hard work, you're due some recompense. Nevertheless, you might also allow yourself the luxury of more time to spend just as you wish.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun's new presence in your home zone suggests your attention may be elsewhere, even though there's still a lot to do. Indeed, there seems to be an emphasis on striving for closer family connections, especially if there are politics swirling. Mind, making an effort to be inclusive may bring greater rewards than you might imagine.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Concerns around the deeper issues of life can show up as the Gemini Moon spotlights a desire to uncover what's really what. With the dreamy Neptune a part of the mix, there's a likelihood that things mightn't be so clear cut as you'd like. If you find yourself unsure, your best tact will definitely to be to go with your instincts.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A careful approach to spending over this holiday week suggests that you may have cut back in a number of areas so as to avoid waste. Then again, is it a more emotional yearning that you are set to feel? Someone from your past may resonate strongly on your senses, perhaps even on your emotions too Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

While Mercury's lingering tie to Uranus can exacerbate an edgy situation on the home front, and make it harder to tolerate others' foibles, another more tolerant influence encourages you to relax into this season of goodwill. While nerves may be a little on edge, a forgiving approach can yet turn things around positively.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As the Gemini Moon connects with both Saturn and Neptune today, it may be an idea to avoid any emotionally inspired promises, and adopt a realistic approach to maintaining your connection with a certain person. Until you're truly certain of how you're feeling, it will be better to be cautious about when you'll meet again.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your attitude counts for everything, and can make the difference between an awkward conversation or a more upbeat one. If you have something to say to a significant other, a blend of compassion and honesty may hit just the right note. As a result, you'll much more likely handle the situation in the best way possible.