The Moon has moved into its favourite location, the sign of Cancer. However by the end of the day, she does square Uranus and oppose Pluto, so there may be some challenges to her desire to bring us tranquility.
Information is key. We can have a harsher than usual view of whatever reality we see, and defend it accordingly. However, if whatever we make a stand on is wrong or faulty it really can rock the proverbial boat. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 28th November 2015 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Navigating your way through the day may be a matter of skilfully weaving in and out of other people's emotional agendas. Whilst making progress with your own plans can be your priority, in practice it may not prove so easy. If things get too bogged down Aries, you may have to speak up and say, "Sorry, I have to get on".
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Rather than apply logic, those you interact with today may use emotional sweeteners to get your attention. So beware of anyone who overly flatters or who come bearing gifts. Nice as this may be, there could well be those proverbial strings attached to these gestures, and you may need to tease out what the true motives are.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon's tie with Mars could see you getting irritated by any lack of co-operation or by someone's unwillingness to consider your point of view. In order to avoid inflaming tensions, you might be better to switch the focus and move swiftly on to activities and relationships that are more enjoyable and supportive. {copytag:[615]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There's a somewhat manipulative energy in the air, particularly as the Moon's tie with the forceful vibe of Pluto might see you or someone else try to force a point of view. Even if it pains you to compromise, actually being the bigger person and making a small sacrifice could yield something which ultimately can enrich you both.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Don't feel obliged to set the agenda today, opting for a slower pace – and one that allows you time to reflect and make decisions or catch up on chores that have been delayed, will be better. Whilst doing so it will give you the perfect opportunity to mull over the events of what has probably been quite an intense week, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
This time of year sees the social intensity step up, and you may find yourself "rather obliged" to attend a gathering. However, even if you feel a bit tentative about doing so, see this as an investment in the people side of your life, and once you get into the swing of things you could well be really glad that you went along.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It's very likely that you're juggling various chores and deadlines and feeling at a bit of a loss as to how you're going to manage it all. Indeed, if someone hands you yet another task you may be very tempted to give up. Even so, Libra, if you make a few plans and get organized first, you might accomplish far more than intended.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The present planetary backdrop can make you more aware of areas where you've tended to go with the flow without any particular aims or aspirations. Think about how this approach is working for you. Might it be the case that if you were more motivated, you might discover there is a lot more you can gain from situations.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's connection between the Moon and intense Pluto gives you the chance to think seriously about how you are going to afford any extra expenses associated with the festive season. This could be a matter of prioritising, at least in the short term. However, an ingenious way to marshal things better may spring to mind.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've been unsure regarding a certain person, project or hint of attraction, the present blend of energies encourages you to finally make up your mind. The minute you commit to action, you'll probably find that things will fall into place. Also, just staying undecided could sap your energy. You are not used to prevaricating.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There's a very powerful line-up of planets in your social sector; which is given extra gravitas with the Sun syncing with the constructive Saturn and the shimmering vibe of Neptune. All this can put a fresh perspective on your associations and doing something nice for someone today, may rekindle a very agreeable connection.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The current demands on your time and ingenuity could be more positive than the negative – even if you doubt this. One way to manage your time better would be to weed out of your schedule activities that aren't truly productive. Then you can invest more focused energy on the things you really know you have to do.