Today’s Horoscopes Thursday 19th November 2015

Today's Quarter Moon in Aquarius, urges us to use a slice of logic in dealing with any tangles that are occurring. As ever when Aquarius tangles with Scorpio we can neither be too idealistic. 

This is especially so with the Saturn/Neptune square really beginning to take hold, yet one piece of good news is that Neptune is no longer in retrograde. This is subtle change, but one that generally can be helpful around using our imaginations to good affect. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 19th November 2015 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Planetary influences for now and during the next week, suggest subtle hints are unlikely to work as your motives could be perceived as being somewhat questionable. Instead, be totally honest about what you want or expect, whilst striving for an outcome that benefits all – making it a win/win situation for anyone concerned.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may think you have the upper hand today, Taurus, but do you really? While the Quarter Moon suggests you may feel in charge, someone else might be pulling the strings and manipulating the situation, without you realizing it. Stay humble around all important affairs, even if this means accepting someone else is better informed.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If a friend seems to have everything going for them it may be because they're focused, have a good strategy and are disciplined enough to get things done. Rather than feel envious, use their approach as a way to motivate yourself. Indeed, a slice of competition may be just what's needed to help you reach your full potential. {copytag:[615]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A developing aspect between the co-operative Venus and calculating Pluto can see you jumping through hoops in order to gain the approval of a certain person or group. Avoid doing so Cancer, as trying too hard to please won't ultimately benefit you. If you can't be completely yourself; seek out friends or situations where you can.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If a project has stalled it may be down to a conflict between wanting to succeed and a strange lack of true motivation. If you wait until you feel fully willing and eager, you could be waiting for a while so rather than over-analyse things, just take one step forwards. This can give you the necessary momentum to get going.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Should you adopt a lighter perspective or opt for a more in-depth approach? Today and over the days ahead, think carefully about which might be most appropriate in the various situations you're dealing with, as it could make a crucial difference. Furthermore, no matter how strong the desire, do avoid splurging unnecessarily.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Want a job done, Libra? Then make your request in such a way that friends and family members don't feel too put out by. You'll find others are more amicable if you are your usual diplomatic self and offer to reciprocate. Conversely, if you're too sweet, this could be equally off putting. Be sincere and find the middle ground.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Where possible, it will be important that you relax and opt for a little time out. The heaven's current intensity suggests you're in a passionate phase, and whether you're reading a light-hearted novel or attempting a challenge, you can benefit from switching off, relinquishing your grip and letting events take their own course.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Moon's tie with both organized Saturn and nostalgic Neptune may be the reason feelings of inertia continue. However, it can also be an invite to let go of anything that keeps you riveted to the past. This may be active at an internal level, in terms of your everyday life patterns or to holding on to old outdated possessions.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Though you're often known as a traditionalist Capricorn, friends may applaud the fact that some of your current ideas are so cutting-edge. This could be the case today when someone needing advice is bowled over by your refreshing and upbeat perspective. Then again, if you do feel "stuck" consider newer options for change.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Today's Quarter Moon and its tie to the cannily located energies of Mercury, could focus your mind on issues you'd rather steer clear of. If fear is causing a resistance to change, it may be because your traditional ruler of Saturn and your signs' Fixed quality, is seeing you subtly clinging on to what you are most familiar with.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Often a decision to commit is all it takes to get things moving, which is why you may be presented with a choice. If you stay as you are you might find you're in exactly the same position six months or so down the line. It's true that the rest of this month can prove testing, but it may push you to really make your mind up.