Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 18th November 2015

The Moon in Aquarius briefly links with the co-ruler of that planet Uranus in a brief but very positive way today. This pushes us to be a bit more logical or even open minded when it comes to home or emotional issues. 

This can be particularly useful in relation to Aquarius's other ruler Saturn, and its cloying link to draining Neptune, which can certainly distort reality. All this suggests standing back and giving ourselves some time to think about emotional issues. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 18th November 2015 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The current blend of energies can be a call to confront any niggling issues that you have been pushing to one side. Facing up to these might even lead to a gradual reversal of any negative trends that have held you back for some time now. This may well require courage, but that's generally one quality you rarely lack, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you've experienced difficulties with certain people over recent months, it may have been due to the complex Neptune spinning backwards in your social sector. From today it dances forward again, which can see positive changes. However, to ensure this you may need to be a little more discriminating, especially if money is involved.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A desire to travel can coincide with a restless mood and an urge to cast aside responsibilities and do your own thing. Nevertheless, if you have a lot on your plate sidestepping your duties can create its own issues. Think if there are other ways you could let off steam that still allows you to fulfill your most basic obligations. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The urge to indulge the good things in life can be stronger than ever. In fact, this pleasure zone enticement can challenge even the most self-disciplined of Crabs. As a counter balance, the restrictive energies of Saturn are asking you to stop and think. Despite this, crossing the line marked "forbidden fruits" could hold appeal!

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you don't have complete control of key areas of your finances, otherworldly Neptune's forward motion in your area of shared resources, can be a prompt to grapple with this. Indeed, strict Saturn's influence is set to step up now and you might look to consolidate debts and cut back on outgoings that are more discretionary.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you have a wellness schedule you follow, stay attuned to the latest health and fitness trends, whether it's discovering another way of eating or a chance to enjoy unique healing or spa treatments. If you are less motivated, emerging information now can prompt you to embrace a more holistic approach to your lifestyle.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your home can be the focus of your attention, and if you do decide to have a sort out why not look into recycling unwanted items or donating them to a good cause. Either way, you can help yourself or others, as well as create a more spacious vibe in your abode. Don't overdo any activity from now though, and pace yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Moon's link with cutting-edge Uranus, which has a special resonance to your sign, can make this a day in which gadgets or domestic appliances feature. You may feel motivated to upgrade to the latest version, even if you are sad to see a trusted device go. More complex situations will though require careful consideration.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If there's one area of your life that you've tried hard to deal with but it continues to drain you or bring you down, it's likely to be because of a testing angle between Saturn, in your sign and the murky vibes of Neptune in your sector of home, family and emotions. Reduce your load to only things that are truly essential. It will help.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If some key opportunities have slipped out of your grasp recently, fall back on your naturally resolute qualities. It's possible that there is a bigger picture here which you are not entirely aware of, not through any weakness, but just circumstances. You may need to see events in a more spiritual dimension to unpick this.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon and its link to gentle Venus encourages you to talk over an awkward issue with a friend who might help you come to terms with it. Then again, your natural gift for being supportive to others can shine through and it may be you who mentors and guides someone. Long term finances may however, seem less clear.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With love duo Venus and Mars, potently placed in a highly sensual area of your solar horoscope, you can be drawn to creating greater intimacy in an on-going tie and in the process rekindle its earlier magic. Solo? You can find yourself yearning for the type of relationship which can really be a life changer.