Today's Horoscopes Friday 16th October 2015, Venus moves into a complex opposition with Neptune. This can enchant and confuse in equal measure. The Moon is also oppressed briefly by Saturn.
So through to next Tuesday, whilst this aspect is broadly influential we all need to be clear about financial and romantic issues. In love, if we meet someone new and they seem to be the bee's knees, well they might be, but give it some time to decide. Around money, we could be more self sacrificing, but avoid playing the martyr. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th October 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon passes across the stern Saturn today, and you may find yourself being something of a truth-seeker in your emotional relationships or more inquisitive around knowledge in general. However, any information that you could seek may be about some of the basic realities of your existence or around life's belief systems.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your ruler continues to be opposed by the dreamy energies of Neptune. This can create a sense of magic between you and another person, but it can also be deeply illusory. In fact, when it comes to your closest ties there is a real opportunity for transformation. However, to protect yourself too, do remain very grounded.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your ruler continues to be well aspected by the potent energies of Saturn. With the Moon also coming into the equation this could trigger a constructive conversation or one which is more of a heart-to-heart with someone you're close to. Indeed, some profound changes are unfolding in the way you feel about or connect to others. {copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
An exact conjunction between Mars and Jupiter, which in turn connects to the planet of change, Pluto, suggests this can be a day of significance. You may find yourself speaking up for something that you feel passionately about, but the trick is to perhaps not take yourself too seriously. This will help you to retain a perspective.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With Mars supercharging the planet of growth and potentially of fortune, Jupiter in your sector of everyday resources, on the face of it the sky would seem to be the limit. Pluto can help to anchor your activities in a way which can be lasting. But Neptune and Venus can tempt you to be looser with cash. Which will get the upper hand?
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
When Jupiter entered your sign on the 11th of August, you may have been expecting some kind of major lift off in your affairs. However, the long emphasis on the sign preceding yours, of Leo, has kind of delayed things more than you may have wished. Things can take on more dynamism now, but stay attuned to your emotional base.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You might find yourself today tempted to be more outspoken about an issue which is deeply personal. Something that has lain within you for a long time, may be bubbling away and needing to come out. Ventilating your emotions could be very therapeutic but just remember that once said – you can never take this back.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If money or lack of it is something of an issue in your situation, the emotional dynamics of this could get to you today. However, despite this potential, be determined not to compare yourself to anyone else. Your two ruling planets combine spectacularly today, and ask you to be resolutely optimistic about what the future holds.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ambitions are given a huge surge of energy. If you handle this resource well, it could trigger a major breakthrough. However, feeling comfortable and at ease in what we do, is just as important as any kind of material success, perhaps more so, and you may have to weigh up just how much sacrifice you wish to make.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Tiny Pluto, in your sign, is rarely anything other than influential, and today this reaches something of a high point in its angle with both the combining Mars and Jupiter. Even if your instinct is to resist change, this particular aspect may just give you that little more derring-do, or spark to go for it. It can prove exhilarating.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Contact with someone influential, a person who can bring wise counsel to your situation can firm up today. If you're looking to do anything with a property matter, something you've desired for a long time can take a major step forwards. But also the planets give you an opportunity to get in touch with your deepest desires.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Relationships can bring huge opportunities or can continue to be rather unclear or confused. If your situation is not matching your expectations at the present time, today's influences can yet redeem your hopes. But it's possible that someone older or younger may challenge how you're looking at one particular involvement.