Welcome to the new month, a month which has two major eclipses in store for us, but it begins immediately with an opposition between the Sun and Neptune.
This aspect, which runs on until Friday, broadly, can see us lose a little bit of impetus. With the Sun in Virgo very much about achieving precision and practical results; Neptune can kill our motivation, and see us lose focus on the details which Virgo so admiringly supports. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 1st September 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A dear wish may be fulfilled as Venus and Mars combine, suggesting events coming together to make it happen. And although you'll need to take action to set things in motion, disappointment could now change to a feeling of elation. Watch work efforts today though, as they might suffer from a lapse in concentration.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Though keen to enjoy the pleasures of life, an invite from someone may not be all it seems, so make a few enquiries before you agree to attend. Meanwhile, a desire to make your home the haven you would like it to be can prompt you to implement new ideas. Opt for an inviting and harmonious interior you'll truly enjoy.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Whether trying to sell an idea or an item, you can do very well, Gemini. Your words seem to have the magic touch helping you make a good impression and increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. However, uncertainty regarding a meeting can make it difficult to attend to those jobs that really do need doing. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You might find it difficult to get your point across, particularly if a certain person has other things on their mind. If this is a cause for concern, wait a few days as they may be more amenable by then. Even so, if you're willing to back up your talk with a few well chosen facts it could swing things your way.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With Venus doing a backwards dance and Mars jogging forwards in your sign you may find you're ahead when it comes to getting things done, but seem to be falling short regarding a friendship or partnership. What can you do to remedy this? A quick phone call or a meaningful gesture may be all it takes.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Consider applying a little discrimination to the affairs of the day, particularly if you're faced with a confusing array of information or advice that seems somewhat dubious. In this case, trust your instincts, especially if they sound a warning note. What seems a good idea might not be that helpful once you've looked into it!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you've been busy lately you may feel like a duvet day. However, as this is likely impossible, other alternatives such as relaxing your schedule and forgoing plans that aren't necessary can help. In addition, being as kind to yourself as you often are to others might act as a restorative, allowing you to feel much better.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Are you finding it hard to settle? Perhaps it's not surprising, considering today's alignment, which includes lively lunar links to Venus and Mars. Part of this may be down to wanting more out of life and yet not being certain how to get it. The answer may partly lie in exploring activities you have a natural passion for.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Sun's presence at the top of your chart encourages you to take stock and consider your plans for the weeks and months ahead. However, if you allow others' opinions to influence your thinking you may not attempt half as much as you would like. For the best outcome you may need to compromise – but not too much.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Changes in plans can gum up the works and cause misunderstandings or disappointments, all of which might lead to a sense of dissatisfaction with the day. You may find, though, that delays can benefit you if they give you the opportunity to mull things over and consider your priorities – especially relating to other people.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
An attraction to someone doesn't have to be a sign of romance, as today's alignment shows. Indeed, you may be drawn to a person because of their personable nature or perhaps because they make you feel really good. In addition, if the opportunity arises you might relish them becoming a more permanent part of your life.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Involved in a tug of war? If so, this could be down to the current Sun Neptune connection which suggests you and another might be after different outcomes. Your reason for doing something may be for the emotional satisfaction whereas theirs could be to see a job well done. Compromise may not be so easy, though!