Today’s Horoscopes Monday 20th July 2015

This week begins with two massive squares between Mars and Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn. The former is highly volatile and can lead to frustrations boiling over quickly, especially where impatience gets the upper hand. We need to temper our desire our aims to quickly. Accidents can occur if we rush or take short cuts.

Jupiter square with Saturn is more ongoing. If you think about it. These two planets represent almost polar opposites. Saturn is about maintaining the status quo, it's about conservatism, order, and its most negative influence restriction. Where as Jupiter is all about unrestrained growth, thinking that anything is possible, and with confidence and enthusiasm goals can come without too much effort. Saturn on the other hand, our sister rollup sleeves and put huge amount of hard-work in. So in some ways a very contrasting influences, but could help us stay grounded too. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 20th July please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Venus moves into Virgo, which asks you to be realistic about relationships of all kinds. Yet ironically the Sun and Mercury both move into a really sunny part of your solar horoscope this week, and so when it comes to more romantic or sociable ties things can pick up, just not with whom you nor where you expect, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your gorgeous ruler Venus relocates into the most glamorous part of your situation. Over the next twenty eight days this is going to help you to radiate an extra magic in the way you interact with others. Charm will get you everywhere Taurus, but as much as things can get flirtatious, a sincere heart will attract you most.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You could find yourself rethinking some home or domestic based issues, even to the extent of where you live. And with the Moon and Mars co-operating well today, can mix flair with practicality. This can go all the way to a do-it-yourself project, your attitude to cooking or who you choose to invite around during this week. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

How have you been finding Mars's transit through your Zodiac sign? Last week it was in a terrific conflict with tiny Pluto, which may have made life rather challenging. The impact of that aspect may still be felt today, but with the Moon well positioned, as long as you're prepared to talk things through, things get easier.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your financial situation can take a turn for the better from almost today. The trick will be to try to balance any desire to splash out your gains, rather too rapidly. This is also set to be a week when issues which have been on the backburner can come much more to the fore. By its end, your energy will have revived too.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although the Sun and Mercury have been working their way through a truly sociable part of your horoscope, when it comes to more personal considerations around close relationships, trust may have been a big issue. However from today, you can start to make some firm decisions about how you'd like to go forwards.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Professional demands may have been very heavy recently, and you could find yourself craving some quiet time or conversely, a complete change of emphasis. Although it may not be very obvious today there are going to be opportunities later this week to engage people at a more playful and light-hearted level, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your two co-ruler's Mars and Pluto have had quite a tête-à-tête in recent days, and there is a lingering energy on the first day of this week which suggests you and someone you're involved with may see things very differently. If you can try to find a co-operative solution, and a little bit of give-and-take will work wonders.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Sometimes we can get what we want in life, often after a period of struggle, but it's how we go about getting it which is just as important as the results. That old Maxim of the ends justifying the means can ring rather hollow if someone else suffers along the way. Continue to try to rise above the fray, and you will prevail.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

There's going to be some kind of contact with someone who lives at a distance, even overseas, during the next twenty eight days. You may find yourself corresponding with someone romantically, or through a mutual hobby or interest. The arts and creativity can also see you flourish during this period of time, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If life has seemed to be a case of all work and no play or you have had to contend with unforeseen circumstances, this week is going to see a welcome change, especially in terms of the feedback you get from others. Rather than being so critical, brittle or uncaring, someone may emerge in a very special way.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Venus moves into your opposite sign, your relationship sector is given a marvellous boost today. This can help you to let go of petty niggles, and celebrate the things you have in common with people rather than those that set you apart. You may also find yourself setting up a social event for later in the week.