Today’s Horoscopes Friday 3rd July 2015

Although the Sun and Mars continue in the nurturing sign of Cancer, the values and influence that Neptune brings to the Sun through to Saturday is very healing, potentially – especially if we can find ways to tune out and revive our senses through quietly reflective activities.

Ironically, many of us will probably not choose to do this because of the fab angle between Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus which points towards lively and outgoing fun. If we can find a way to marry the two areas together, that would be perfect. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 3rd July 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

After the intensity of the Full Moon, she passes into the friendly and upbeat Aquarius. This is going to help you to process any issues that have arisen in a slightly more logical and detached way. And if worldly demands have been crowding in, why not give yourself permission to go out and do something more uplifting!

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Something you have been giving an awful lot of thought to and processing in your mind, may not be quite ready to action. If so, don't fret about this because next week is set to be a very dynamic time. And the chances are with the feedback and input of others yet to fully emerge, exchanges could prove to be rather fluid.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Yesterday's Full Moon Gemini can be a precursor to further and more intense discussions and interactions concerning close links, bonds and involvements which will pan out this month, and will become clearer next week. And it's probably not the best of times to be overly confrontational about getting your own way. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone may be giving you a broad hint that they see something very differently to you, Cancer. Now it doesn't follow that they are right and that you are wrong, but it might not be a bad idea to consider if there are other ways of looking at a situation that up until now, you have seen in one particular fixed way.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With some people you are currently held in very high esteem. If you can be attentive to someone who may be feeling slightly neglected, the chances are the bond between you can be quickly restored. Even in a close on-going relationship, don't feel too proud to acknowledge a partner's strengths and qualities.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Grappling with details, and especially if you can achieve tangible results, is something that you have a ready talent and capacity for. However, the attention to detail you may need to show now, may be as much about the needs of those around you. And if you can stay attuned, some valuable insights could emerge.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Anything planned for this weekend Libra? If not, you could find yourself keen to take the steps to energise the process. This can be particularly so if you have experienced a rather intense week, which is possible. With next week set to be even more full on, do find the spark to create some diversions and a change of scene.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There is a dichotomy between the location of the Moon, in a rather homely location, and the combination of the Sun and Mars in your most expansive sectors. So it will probably depend on your circumstances what you choose to do in terms of planning for your weekend. Somewhere different but familiar may be best.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Whilst the reverberations from the Full Moon ask you not to be too loose with resources, a theme which is probably not at an end, the scintillating network of influences which has made this week so unique does continue. And if you're travelling, on holiday or socialising, the chances are you'll soak up the vibes best of all.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Contemplating a big ticket item? If you are and someone else's say-so is involved in the decision, the trick is going to be in being patient in getting them on-side. However, if you have your own money to spend, this won't be an issue. But just how much will you be tempted by something that has a less practical value?

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Moon in your sign, this can help you to feel more in control and over the last few days, the energy of a very psychological Full Moon may have tested your convictions and asked you to check out just how sure you are around certain situations. But there's going to be plenty of encouraging vibes today.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the minutes tick down, you may find yourself yearning for some time for you – which is interesting, because the potential for sociability remains high, so perhaps what you simply need to do is enjoy something of a solitary interlude before dusting yourself down and heading out for a more sociable time this weekend.