The new month begins with Mercury and Uranus forging a fantastic angle. This can lead to some announcements of technological breakthroughs, but also see us bring a greater sense of innovation and variety to our own lives.
There are also continues to be a delicious link between Uranus and Venus and Jupiter, so on the face of it a very enterprising start to July. But this is a month which has the potential for quite a lot of conflict, tension and power battles to emerge. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 1st July 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Welcome to July Aries, a month which frankly won't be without its challenges – in terms of balancing your personal and emotional interests with the demands of the outside world, work and key goals. Stay mindful of the needs of those closest to you. Also be aware that your feelings are set to rise closer to the surface.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Change! It's a big concept, and some of us find it easier to flow with the alterations that life can throw at us, whilst others find this more challenging. Wherever you are within this it's going to be a crucial issue for the rest of this week. And your dreams and aspirations are going to be central to the decisions you make.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Something you have strong feelings about is going to start bubbling to the surface. This may be a financial matter, and in particular in any situation where you share responsibilities. There continues to be a very optimistic skyscape, but within this just don't be too idealistic about potential outcomes around money. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may hold money lightly at this time, due to the wonderful alliance between Venus and Jupiter that prevails this week. But its angle with Uranus suggests that surprise offers can come professionally too. The key specifically today is going to be in how carefully and skilfully you relate to the people you are interacting with.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It's an interesting time because you can be extremely popular with someone or a group of people, yet there could potentially be some kind of drift around another relationship or old circle of friends. Perhaps it really is a time of in with the new, but nonetheless any transition may still have you feeling nostalgic, even a little sad.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your friendship and even romantic prospects are going to be strongly influenced by tomorrow's Full Moon, not least because your relationship sector links into this, even if rather gently. It's as if you need to be aware of the unspoken side of your hopes, and the feelings of those around you, as much as anything that's asserted obviously.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As much as the planets are asking you to shoot for the stars, and especially in terms of your ambitions, you could find yourself feeling less at ease if success or responsibilities have an impact on your personal life. And it's understandable because this is an area at the moment, especially socially, which could be really flourishing.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone influential seems to have taken a real shine to you, and it may be rather nice to be on the end of their assistance or even just warmth and affection. One thing you shouldn't do if this is happening for you at this time is take their largesse for granted. Make sure you return all communication promptly.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
When your ruler Jupiter gets together with Venus, as it currently does now in the sign of Leo, it can give you a huge appetite for the good things in life, to the point of making you almost indulgent. And if you have found yourself being free and easy with your finances this week, you're now being given a nudge to be more careful.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
By the end of the day the Moon in your sign will pass over the tiny but key planet of Pluto. If there are any issues relating to partnerships or a romantic tie which require discussion, this evening can see the issues more vividly to the fore. Whatever's discussed, it may be a good idea to give yourself time afterwards to reflect.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Whether it is a domestic chore that you have been putting off attending to, paperwork or any kind of key appointment, the next couple of weeks give you an opportunity to grapple with these. However, it really wouldn't be a surprise if your preoccupation at the moment is on more sociable, even romantic interests.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Different options are opening up for you, and in some ways this can be very life affirming, yet in other ways, see you spoilt for choice. Different people can want different things from you and the key is going to be in staying true to yourself yet remaining fair to others. Diplomacy will help you to achieve this best of all.