The homely influences of Cancer are certainly strong still today, but another sparkling alliance in the sign of Leo really lights up the heavens. You may find yourself inviting someone round to your home and playing host, or being on the end of someone else's generosity.
This can also be a time with Uranus angling brilliantly with both Venus and Jupiter, that an unexpected romantic development can occur. If you're settled, try to find ways to reinvigorate your relationship. Doing something completely different with a partner will help. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 30th June please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
An optimistic Venus contact along with a Sagittarius Moon, can make for an upbeat day that has the potential for fun, no matter what you're doing. However, if you do have a run of ordinary chores to finish, be sure to plan something good for the evening. Creative juices flow, while social events look positively sparkly.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Use your intuition to improve conditions at home or help with a family project or DIY challenge. Venus's presence in Leo can also bring out your artistic side, particularly if you're in the mood to redecorate or refurnish. Later, make time for fun recreational activities, or consider a get-together with family or close friends.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It can be an excellent time for connecting with others with a view to collaborating on an idea or plan. Today's alignment can make for positive relationships, whether you're dealing with business or more personal matters. You'll also benefit from listening to the input of key people. This could put a whole new slant on things. {copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the Sun moves to link with Neptune let your imagination fly free, particularly if you're stuck regarding a problem or have a creative block. Even so, you'll probably have your best ideas when you relax and let them flow to you, rather than seeking them out. A desire to splurge on small luxuries may also prove very satisfying.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Venus Jupiter connection in your sign suggests people may be willing to go out of their way for you. It seems your popularity inspires affection giving a pleasant glow to the day ahead. However, you could feel indulgent and perhaps a touch lazy, so make the most of these trends to up the pace and get things done.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It's a day to discuss things in private with your sweetheart or to keep happy secrets about love. The current lively blend of energies can stir up your inner thoughts and emotions, though you may not want to discuss them with anyone but those closest to you. Still, a dream of what could be may put a smile on your face.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Conversations today can highlight positive options. Even so, a blurry Sun Neptune link could confuse matters making decisions difficult. However, if you take a chance and make a bold move this might enhance the potential for positive change. Later, if you have a choice between being direct or tactful, choose the latter.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There's nothing like showing off to help you get ahead. Today it pays to actively promote your ideas, goods and services and let others know what you're capable of. By the same token, you'll also benefit from acquiring useful information or upgrading your skills, as it's time to reveal to the world how talented you are.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon in your sign makes upbeat links with Venus and Jupiter, which could bring a stroke of luck your way. It's a good day to explore ideas and options and to seek to expand your horizons. The people you meet along the way may bowl you over with their warmth and friendliness, leaving you feeling really good.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Passions may be softened by a Neptune link today which might help you deal with your feelings more easily. If you're having a problem with someone you may find the more you think about it the worse it gets. Adopting a relaxed approach could give you some respite, although eventually you'll need to take action.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be good reason to feel upbeat and positive, as a Venus Jupiter link suggests your mind and heart are on the same page. It's certainly a day to explore new avenues and to liaise with key people. Despite this you may still feel tense concerning career or major goals, perhaps sensing a shift could be needed.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A dreamy Sun Neptune link highlights opportunities for fun and a chance to chat. Although someone you'd like to meet may not warm to you immediately, don't take this personally as they could well change their tune soon. You can also sail through any day-to-day challenges by combining creativity and logic.