Have you noticed any difference with Neptune beginning its five and a half month rewind? It may only be a few days thus far, but this is likely to be telling if subtle in the next 156 days or so. Being located in its "home zone" of Pisces, is also a critical feature. The combination asks us to be more reflective and contemplative, and to do with subtle but powerful unresolved psychological issues.
The Moon also spends much of the day in the Earthy Taurus before heading off to Gemini later on. Therefore tonight there is going to be a brief but potential associate then disassociate opposition to Saturn in Scorpio. This may see one close tie get rather tense before the day is out, despite other upbeat and bright influences.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you sense something's in the air – then you're right. A pleasantly upbeat link between Jupiter and Uranus can encourage you to be a little bolder and take the path less travelled. Information gleaned from books or websites can be your starting point, and if you sense any possibilities, you'll want to explore further.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Although the Moon Saturn link could encourage doubts about a certain course of action, a Sun Mars tie-up can be the catalyst that gets you motivated to really have a go. It's worth investing in information – whether from a book, online course or a mentor, as doing so can give access to everything you need to achieve success.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Though you likely have a large amount of facts at your fingertips, dazzling a love interest or new friend with your knowledge isn't a guarantee that things will get off to the best start. If you're hoping to cement a developing bond, then play it by ear. You might endear yourself further more if you ask some interesting questions.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It can be hard to put into words what you're feeling. However, it's worth making the effort as it might help bring clarity to a key situation that has been a cause of uncertainty. As the Moon glides into Gemini, consider a heart-to-heart conversation, as by doing so you may find an awkward problem is quickly sorted out.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The current influences encourage plenty of interaction which can bring positive results, both socially and romantically. In fact, this is one of the best times for exploring fresh options, especially if it involves moving out of your comfort zone through taking on a challenge, studying or journeying to somewhere unfamiliar.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It seems you'll be busy dealing in facts, sorting through correspondence and generally attending to everyday admin and paperwork. However, don't ignore any intuitive hunches that are trying to attract your attention. Currently, paying attention might result in getter from A to B more quickly and with a minimum of hassle.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This can be an interesting time for links to others and furthering your goals, as the one can lead to another. A spark with someone might encourage you to be adventurous and try something new, while learning new things could create the ideal circumstances for you and a special person who seems truly to be on your wavelength.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As Saturn prepares to move back into your sign you may feel a pressure to resolve certain issues, reach targets or make a success of a key enterprise. Even so, you might also experience barriers to getting ahead in the form of self-doubt – which won't help your cause. Give yourself some leeway for a positive outcome.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Though others may have some great suggestions for things to do, don't feel obliged to join in if you don't feel like it. With Saturn in a critical position and about to relocate you may need some space today to consider your priorities and reflect on where you're truly at. Once done, you'll have time for some proper fun.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Jupiter's developing link with Uranus could bolster your good fortune, even if only in small ways. Over the coming week a seed may be planted that blossoms into a worthwhile opportunity. Stay alert for information or an offer that might be too good to miss – especially if it enhances your income and sense of security.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Attending social events has great value as the current influences hint at a meeting that could contribute greatly to your overall happiness and success. Perhaps you'll link up with someone who becomes a very supportive colleague, or flirt with someone you're drawn to. A new delightful romance is not beyond the bounds of possibility.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may not have as much time to yourself as you'd like between spending time with family, organizing events and keeping up with your day-to-day tasks. Even so, you're in a phase when you could accomplish much as long as you don't overdo it. Give yourself a chance to unwind Pisces and you'll be even more productive.