The lovely Venus glides into the charismatic sign of Leo today, and with the bubbly energies of Jupiter already in this location, it can bring a lighter and more flamboyant vibe to bear. Venus in this sector showcases, quite literally, the arts, performance, theater, and sociability.
With Jupiter also starting to forge a fab alliance to the Sun, as well as Mars, a great sense of optimism can abound. Another thing to celebrate is the end of this current round of Mercury's incredibly difficult square to Neptune, and this should mean things are less confused, and bogged down. For your FREE Daily Horoscopes Friday 5th June 2015, please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Venus is making her way through your home zone, for one final day. However, you can savour this, and perhaps look back on any improvements that you have made in the decorative order of your abode or its comfort factor. Someone may even lavish praise on you later on for any changes you've affected.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
For the next week, the Sun in Gemini is forging an awesome angle to Jupiter, the planet of growth. For you this points towards a chance to feel more positive about the foundations in your world. Moreover, with the retreating Mercury also in on this, a determination to sort out a financial glitch, can finally result in a breakthrough.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Keep going with being totally focused on key goals. Don't let others' luke warm views, or lack of enthusiasm or support influence your outlook. Strangely enough, if you keep the faith, by this time next week, the very person who doubts you the most, could develop, even if not into your biggest fan, at least extra respect.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Even if it's not obvious today, something really good can come your way in the next month, and it may be to do with some kind of legacy, gift or improvement in your everyday circumstances. Equally, you are being asked to look at life in a slightly different way, for if you can, you may see you are richer than you currently feel.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you've found yourself asking searching questions about your love life or one particular tie of late, it really wouldn't be a surprise. Though it may not have been obvious, this period has given you the chance to become more aware of your needs. Indeed, the next week can see you assert them more confidently.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With the Sun closing in on the location of Mars, and despite your ruler Mercury's continuing rewind, you can find yourself absolutely determined to make your mark and overcome any obstacles that have been blocking your path. To capitalize, you will need to be focused, and also marshal any impatience productively.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The emotional intensity of late last night can make way for a much more hopeful day today. Even if some hopes to shake up your existence have led to more thought than action recently, that can now change and the next week could see you particularly active and on the move. Live out your adventurous side, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
When you really feel motivated by something, you can show a level of determination that few can match. And this could be to the fore today and in fact, over the next week. However, this might also see you rather more confrontational, so if you do encounter someone who disagrees with you, accept it's their perfect right.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Challenges are what make you tick, be they physical or intellectual, and the side of you that loves to take these on is going to be activated powerfully in the next week. However, they can be all the more exciting if there is an element of competition or partnership. If there is someone you are drawn to, you might reach out.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've found yourself lacking in motivation of late, and bogged down in sapping dramas and intrigues, the next week can offer welcome respite. This can be a time when your motivation bounces back big time, and you feel much more energized. In fact, you could make some significant and helpful lifestyle changes.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Not all, but many Aquarius people, despite a sociable side, also have another more reflective part of their personality. And you? If you're quieter at times, the next week can see you really sparked into much more outgoing form. If you're usually gregarious, expect to truly sparkle. In fact, your popularity can revive.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Any changes you've been planning at home, or more personally can really go forwards. Just be aware however, that someone close may find you so supercharged that they find it hard to keep up with you, and can also feel that you're wanting everything your own way. Might this be so? If it is, do try to talk it through.