FREE Daily Horoscopes Saturday 9th May

Mercury remains exactly square Neptune. Indulging the senses through the arts, music or quiet meditative pursuits may be the best tact this weekend. Anything too harsh, practical or demanding may be less easy to deal with.

However, if you are unable to cocoon yourself away completely, and do need to connect with everyday realities, buying and selling remains a potentially tricky area as information can be distorted somewhat. Work hard at establishing hard and fast facts to prevent any kind of confusion overwhelming you.

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There's a positive accent on being around people who share your enthusiasm for certain interests, hobbies or sports, so getting together could be a lot of fun today. In addition, the Moon's tie-up with Uranus suggests you should expect the unexpected. Don't take delays too seriously as they could work to your advantage.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A Mercury link with Neptune hints that someone might not be telling the whole story. An air of mystery could pervade the atmosphere, leaving you or another, somewhat unsettled. However, it's very possible that the truth will out if an innocent party tells all. A lively conversation could stimulate a desire to know more.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A desire for information could be the reason you're keen to connect with people who can fill you in with all the details. In addition, there are benefits to being part of a social group that's built around specific interests. You'll be able to tap into a fount of knowledge for starters and this could lead to all kinds of exciting options.  {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Frustration may be linked with plans that haven't quite come together. However, rather than get upset, it's better to go back to the drawing board and have another go. With some experience under your belt you'll be better placed to know what works and what doesn't. Later, an invite to an event could be a real game changer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Mercury's square with Neptune could coincide with a misunderstanding. Whether you're going out on a first date or meeting up with a friend, a mix-up may be a cause of embarrassment. If you're prepared to let it go you'll likely find no harm is done. Where a goal is concerned, courage and a competitive spirit are set to be key.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may be that you're seeking a change, especially if you're keen to break away from everyday routines. Even so, if someone has a plan, don't immediately jump for it, as it could be ill thought out. You may be better to give it a miss and go enjoy yourself on your own terms. Romance-wise, a liaison might show promise.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You'll want to have a social plan in place for this evening, as your more pleasure seeking side may be looking for an outlet. Today, good company not only helps you unwind, but can be a real inspiration too. Meantime, consider chatting to a good friend if a certain situation has gone awry and advice is urgently needed.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As a result of today's Mercury Neptune tie-up the people around you might encourage you to slow down. If this is the case, you may want to listen. It's not that you're lacking in boldness or courage, just that you could overlook certain key details. Meanwhile, should urgent DIY need attending to, it helps to make a start.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Be careful who you confide in regarding your best and brightest ideas, as someone could put a damper on your plans with their questions and criticisms. Give them a fair hearing and note any salient points, but otherwise don't be put off. By making a little extra effort to further ties with loved ones, harmony can prevail.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon in your sign, you can enjoy the feeling of being in control. However, if you allow a dominant mood to get out of hand your relationship with a special someone could become a little strained. It will pay to be sensitive to your nearest and dearest today. If creative inspiration calls, try to run with it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Mercury's right angle with Neptune can inspire big dreams, so you may want to join a group that can help you fulfil them. Even so, while it's good to contemplate all sorts of big plans and ideas, you'll probably have to eliminate those that are unattainable. Despite this, a goal that challenges and excites is worth considering.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you turn to others for advice, expertise or just a sympathetic ear, you'll likely be pleased with what you hear. However, today's hazy influences suggest taking someone's words with a pinch of salt, as they may not be telling you the whole story. Indulging art or craft skills can be a rewarding way to spend the day.