FREE Daily Horoscopes Thursday 7th May

Venus glides into Cancer today, and this is going to emphasize our need for loving and nurturing relationships. Neither be surprised if over the next 28 days, you spend time beautifying your home, redecorating, or buying new furniture. The garden can also be an area of activity. Greater tranquility and peacefulness can be our goals.

Finding greater meaning in close relationships can also be part of this transit, so there may candlelit dinners, romantic gestures, or a deep yearning for something more spiritual and caring to unfold in our lives. Venus also rules money however, so this points more towards a careful approach to resources. 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Communications flow, making this a positive time to connect with the people who matter most. It's also an opportunity to strike deals and negotiate concerning important plans and interests. Meanwhile, there is a good chance of enhancing family bonds. If you haven't seen someone in a while it may be time to reunite.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Venus encourages plenty of interaction, so get ready to share ideas and contemplate new projects. In addition, those around you can seem to appreciate your caring and attentive personality – and the support you've given them over time. However, if you're looking for fun a get-together, your place could be ideal.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today, the spirit of co-operation brings people together for the common good. And it seems your bright ideas may be instrumental in ensuring everything runs smoothly. Thrifty influences also encourage you to focus on security. Consider saving any spare cash as a way to offset any anxiety around money matters.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Venus dances into your sign later and remains there until June 5th, enhancing your social life and romantic options. At this time it's not unusual to want to change your image in some way, perhaps with new clothes or a different hairdo. Matters of the heart may also take a leap forward as intense energies spur you on.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If inspired by a bold approach, then it's time to follow your star, particularly as doing so could put you in the spotlight in a way that benefits you. Where romance is concerned, someone may have feelings for you that they're keeping under wraps – or are you? The truth could out over the next twenty eight days or so.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your social life looks lively, bringing an upbeat mood to the weeks ahead. You'll relish spending time with friends who are as supportive and loyal to you, as you are to them. Romance shows potential, but the tendency to hold back could mean it takes time to break the ice, unless you're willing to make a bold move.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although friendly influences can promote harmony and co-operation, you could encounter difficulties with someone who seems determined to stand in the way of your goals. Even this can be used to your advantage if it encourages you to research your options and make plans as watertight and foolproof as possible.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you're itching for change in the social or romantic realm, then life may grant you your wish. As Venus sashays into Cancer it can inspire you to move in new circles. As a result, someone you meet could turn out to be a breath of fresh air. In contrast, a sobering Capricorn Moon encourages an organized approach to current plans.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The focus is on long range hopes associated with travel and education, meaning you can make headway with a chance to achieve lasting results. You'll also find that creative and mind-expanding pursuits allow you to uncover and explore new possibilities. An unexpected encounter could have quite a profound impact.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Relationships sparkle and romance seems sweeter and more enchanting due to Venus's change of sign. Even so, if you have business deals or important negotiations to handle, you'll be capable of being shrewd and tough where necessary. Looking to date? With a little perseverance your efforts could soon be rewarded.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A Sun Pluto link can have a way of encouraging secrets out into the open. Today, be careful you don't inadvertently share something that it's best to keep under wraps. Meanwhile, home is a good place to be if you need to rest and recoup. This evening, opt for activities that relax you rather than get you all stirred up.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Venus's move into your romance and creativity zone puts a very pleasant focus on leisure and fun. As a result you may renew your interest in a hobby that you enjoyed as a child – and could find it deeply satisfying. A love interest could reciprocate your feelings over the weeks ahead, even if slowly. Do be patient!