FREE Daily Horoscopes Wednesday 6th May

The Sun is still being squared by Jupiter and claims and counter claims can be at sky high (literally) levels. But this influence does have an up side, giving us the sense that anything is possible. We just need to back up our proposals with hard and fast actions and attitudes.

Jupiter is also augmented by a truly lovely angle to the Moon in Sagittarius, and the Moon's later speedy link to Uranus. This combination can give us a sense that a few changes on the emotional or domestic front can be welcome and beneficial. Suprise visitors or dates can also delight.

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Someone may have cautioned you yesterday about something or someone that you feel hopeful about. Today can seem lighter however. The Sun is giving you, in its angle to Pluto, a wonderful opportunity to maximize your potential and push through on recent changes or have the confidence to value yourself more highly.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Even if you haven't felt as supported as you would have hoped, you can find yourself ultra determined to make your mark today. There is a sense that something is changing in your world, whether that is an internal side of yourself or your outer situation, it matters not, but a real sense of excitement could come from this.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

One relationship is becoming more serious. Now this could be one you have been in a long time, and there is less sparkle between you, or it could be someone you have recently met and with whom you feel a real bond. But if you are finding it hard to understand what's what, the answers could lay more within than is obvious.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Just who counts in your circle? You can gain some fantastic insights into what's what with whom. And those people you really chime with can seem to become much more valuable. In fact, if you meet a new friend now, it could turn out to be a really powerful alliance between you. Jointly you could affect both of your futures.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Power up your ambitions Leo, because if you match these to a high level of attention to detail you can achieve truly mighty things. Your ability to take on greater responsibilities or to demonstrate your leadership skills will rarely be as high as now. Others can be keen to follow your lead or to defer to you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Knowledge comes in many different forms Virgo, but your capacity to soak up new information is set to explode, and if you are open to new possibilities right across your life, this can help you to expand your activities in all sorts of ways. How you gain this knowledge, could be formal or it can be through simple experimentation.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be asked to undertake some kind of key support role for someone quite influential in your situation. This could be a male relative, but equally it could be for a boss. This may require you to do some investigation around financial or property matters. Your own emotion or understanding can be transformed.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Conversations can take on a fated quality, and even the most innocent can actually carry some kind of coded message, or lead to some powerful connections. If you meet someone romantically at this time the attraction between you may be both physical and intellectual, which could prove to be very exciting indeed.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Ever since Mars entered your 6th Solar House at the start of April, your desire to get ahead has been supported by extra energy and drive. But with the Sun in the same location now and forging a fantastic angle to the planet of destiny, you can start to see hard and fast evidence of how things are shaping up financially too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your individuality and talents can continue to shine out like a beacon. And, if you have children Capricorn, you can have a gift for encouraging them in a productive way around their qualities and flair. If you put your mind to it, little will stand in your way at the moment, so do take this chance to make your mark.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This can be a time when past memories can be so important to your future hopes. If you see relatives at any kind of gathering or reunion, or even hear from someone within your clan, this can really give your sense of identity significant support. The connections you make now can help you to feel more secure and at ease within yourself.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It really can be a case of who you know as much as what you know at this time, but obviously this alone is not going to spring open the door of opportunity, as you do need to have something compelling and persuasive to say too. The thing is Pisces, if you have and can, your connections could grow significantly at this time.