May begins with Mercury changing signs into one of its two "home zones" of Gemini. Ordinarily this would create a real spark, and perhaps it can still do so, but with Saturn rewinding in Sagittarius on the opposite side of the heavens, some of the sparkle this change would normally create, may be more muted.
Conversation and ideas can be subject to more serious scrutiny or vibes. Someone may not be impressed if we say something at the wrong time or in the wrong way, well, at least as far as they are concerned. Choose your words carefully today to avoid attracting this kind opprobrium.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the new month dawns, the Sun is set to go into a really powerful angle to Pluto. And something you have been working on for some time can now take some really solid steps forwards. A greater sense of self esteem could also evolve within you, but do agree to disagree on a contract or point of principle today.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Mercury moves into a new home today, one which can help you to grapple with your resources. In fact, this is set to be something of a theme for the whole of May. But the role of Saturn should not be underestimated, and tact and patience will be important in making the progress you need to achieve. Over to you!
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
An idea that has been on the back-burner can gain traction from now, but mainly if you have thoroughly thought through of all the angles. If you haven't, you may find that others will soon seize on any oversights that you've made. To head this off you need to anticipate how your plan will be received and be reacted to.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although the Sun is generally located in a go-ahead part of your situation, today's tender Moon position and the arrival of Mercury into your 12th Solar House, may dampen your spirits somewhat. This might not be glaringly obvious, but the mood music from others can see you doubt their sincerity. This could affect your confidence.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may find yourself receiving conflicting messages from friends or associates today. In fact, this can be a month when you could find it difficult to please all the people in your situation, especially balancing your social life and your closest ties. One more outgoing colleague might however, continue to be great company, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your guide planet Mercury climbs to the very top of your solar horoscope today and this can concentrate your thinking on your ambitions and goals in life. And this might be a month when you find yourself much more motivated to try and improve your lot. To do so, just don't compromise your emotional life too much.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You can be one of the most cultured and even articulate members of the zodiac, but ever since Saturn moved late last year, and then began its retrograde in mid-March, the need to choose your words with care has increased. This month you can be minded to be more outspoken about your ideas, but this could arouse resistance.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Saturn has been asking you to carefully conserve your resources this year, and this can be a month when you may find that any budgeting that you put in place might come under pressure. Then again, if you are looking to enter into any business partnerships or raise finance, you do need to do so with your eyes wide open.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mercury relocates today, and if you embrace its help, at least until the 18th when it begins the second of its annual rewinds, this can open the door to more constructive conversations with others. To achieve this put set ideas or any occasional tendency to dogma to one side, and work really hard on your listening skills.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your ruling planet Saturn has a very powerful impact on the heavens at the best of times, and this month, that is set to be ratcheted up to a new high. Now, this can create quite a lot of frustration, irritation and no little limitation. Pacing yourself and not pushing too hard are going to be very important to progress.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your creativity can burgeon this month, not least kicked off by today's move of Mercury into a new home. This, Mars and ultimately the Sun, both later in May, will springboard your efforts forwards, but you do need to focus your efforts on as narrow a range of things as possible. Avoid trying to do too many things at once.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Any changes you hope to make this month to where you live may mean you are going to have to interact with property experts, financial institutions or even lawyers. If so, doing your homework in advance could help your cause no-end. You might get some sage advice, perhaps even some criticism, but take these in your stride.