For the next week, the Sun is going to be forging a gentle link with Neptune. This can be wonderful for an appreciation of the arts, or for more spiritual pursuits and interests. Neptune asks the Sun to let go of his need to focus on the "self" to be more self-sacrificing and caring.
If you are a carer, provide help or support or are very compassionate, your natural vibe can really come to the fore. If you are someone who likes to help people through volunteering or donations to charitable causes you may do something now.
However, the dazzling alliance between Venus and Uranus which has lit up the sky all weekend continues today, and imagination and some innovative approaches can see great artistry, or some full-on sizzling flirting!
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your guide planet Mars forges a truly sweet link with Venus, the latter in turn linking superbly with Uranus. This combination can see you doing something much more off-the-cuff, and it may include giving yourself some kind of reward, even if it's only a small treat. In a relationship context, things could even get sultry.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Sun in your sign is set to angle superbly this week to the planet of dreams Neptune. If you have even one iota of creative talent this is a wonderful opportunity for you to demonstrate it. You can find that people are very receptive to what you have to offer. Today can also be lifted with a surprise piece of positive news.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The lovely Venus continues to sparkle in your sign and today combines with Uranus, the planet of surprises. If you are in a long standing relationship this is an aspect which encourages you and your partner to try to find new ways to refresh things. Single? Someone from your past may be pulling on your heart strings. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Sun, Mercury and Mars are all combining in the part of your situation to do with friendships. But the fascinating thing today is the person that you can connect most with, could be someone at work. And a surprise conversation, in a very informal way, may throw up some common interest between you, which forge a bond.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
What an exciting day this can be, for whether professionally or personally, the force really does seem to be with you. And even though you are someone who can take pleasure from the things you know well it could be something you do for the very first time today that actually gives you the greatest satisfaction.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your curiosity seems to be greater than for a very long time. And anything which challenges the routine of your everyday world can excite you far more than workaday issues. Now you are known as being very thorough and precise, but if you find yourself drawn to a new opportunity, believe you can take it on well.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There is a strong sense that things are set to change in your world, Libra. And this week could prove to be quite critical in terms of some of the things that you're thinking about doing. There can be some endings within this, but the exciting thing is that the new beginnings you plan really do look very promising indeed.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The question the heavens are asking you at this time; is do you take too much notice of your relationships, or one key person, or do you take too little? This may sound like a contradiction in terms, but the reality is it's all about finding just the right balance between your own interests and those of others, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Someone can take you by surprise today, and whilst it's often you that keeps people on their toes with your unpredictability, it could be delightful to feel that someone else is doing the running. Yet, even the most ordinary of places can find you having an uplifting, buzzy and even rather flirty conversation.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your sense of fun is being enhanced at this time, but as the Sun in a very helpful location for you links this week with your sector of everyday communications, do take the opportunity to share with people the things you are good at. You may find that as long as you can be natural in what you say, others will be receptive.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you're truly honest Aquarius the different layers of moods that you have can be difficult for you to understand at times. However, people rarely find you boring, and often find this refreshingly unique. Interestingly, the people that see this today most obviously could be those closest to you, even family members.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your co-ruler Neptune gives you great intuition. In fact, you are the natural psychic of the zodiac. And even if you don't see yourself personally in this way, don't underestimate just how spot-on your hunches can be. Indeed, an important conversation you have this week gives you a chance to tune into what's really meant.