Mercury and Mars continue virtually side by side, but no longer square with Jupiter. This will create a more earthy vibe, but with the Moon sweeping through Cancer and later in the day squaring Uranus, there could still be some switchbacks in mood and mode.
Also the Sun is in a quincunx with the retreating Saturn. This suggests that any temptation to overspend or over indulge may run counter to another need to be more careful with our resources. Financial planning also needs to be based on careful research, planning and information – don't rush any big moves.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Finances may be on the agenda, whether due to an unexpected expense or for other reasons. Whatever the situation, it will be best not to overreact. A calm approach and a decision to turn things around could improve matters considerably. Even so, avoid purchasing costly items as you might get a better price in a day or so.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It can be full speed ahead today, as a feisty line-up could see you questioning a decision or challenging someone in authority. In this instance it seems you may have a point, but are they likely to concede? Meanwhile, if you're liaising with a friend on a project, aim for clarity as a misunderstanding could cause delays.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A bold Venus Jupiter link suggests the time is right for forging agreements, healing communication problems and stepping out with friends or a new love interest. If there's someone you're keen to chat with, you'll likely get a warm reception if you make that call today. However, try to avoid accidentally sharing a secret.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Someone's interest in you, or vice versa, could lead to some deep conversation. Be careful though, as current influences suggest you might get involved in a relationship that turns out to be rather costly in both time and resources, so don't promise too much, too soon. Stand back for a while and let things cool down.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A determination to make the most of an opportunity might see you leaping into action. If you can show you're the best person for the job or project and can prove it, then it may well be yours. On another note, you might be a tad sensitive to others' feelings, which may be why you choose to soften your approach to a key issue.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Someone on the social scene could leave you mystified, so much so that you're keen to find out all about them. Even so, a budding romance may take second place compared to the real issue of the day with a potential desire to have your way at any cost. If you can make your plan seem like someone else's idea – you could be lucky.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Welcome an opportunity to further your worldly aims by taking a keen interest, especially if someone offers you a way to increase your income or a chance to invest your money. If it's not a get-rich-quick-scheme then it could be viable. However, a Neptune link suggests you get expert advice first – just to be sure.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Interactions can vary greatly, at times offering warmth and comfort or perhaps becoming rather intense, depending on who you're talking to. A romance could develop along positive lines as you revel in each other's company. If you're hoping to negotiate with someone, they might drive rather a hard bargain today.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If a situation is a cause of discontent you may need to do more than commiserate with family and friends. Today, isolating the problem can enable you to do something positive about it. Meanwhile, investing in your wellbeing might encourage you to try harder and bring benefits further down the line too.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Interactions with others can be on a more emotional footing today, playing out in two ways. You may find that sharing brings you closer to someone, or at the other end of the spectrum might feel like keeping yourself to yourself. Either way, it helps to understand the root cause of your feelings and the potential implications.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Unrealistic attitudes about money may be the reason you and another are at odds with each other. However, talking things over could see you making a shrewd decision before the day is out. Later, a Venus Jupiter link encourages you to do something fun and entertaining to make the most of the evening ahead.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
An inspired idea can act as a catalyst, helping you achieve a practical objective. Today, enlist the help of friends if you want to realize a goal rather it remain a lovely daydream. In addition, a get-together could add something special to the day, or perhaps a children's party helps boost your mood, giving you a reason to smile.