Venus and Jupiter sparkle brightly together with one another today. This can be flirty and fun, and lead to some seriously upbeat conversations. However with Mercury and Mars still locked together in Taurus, and still just about influenced by Jupiter themselves, the trick is going to be in keeping our feet on the ground and not going too overboard when it comes to socialising or getting up close and personal, or should we?
Well, I guess it depends on your exact situation, circumstances and outlook but with the Moon also livening things up in the sign of the Twins, along with with Venus, we may all decide a little or perhaps even a lot of what we like, is just what the doctor ordered.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you found yourself rather tongue tied yesterday, today this should be much less of an issue. In fact, with Mercury squaring up to Jupiter, you could find yourself gushing about something that ordinarily you would take a more considered view around. You could also be exceptionally generous to someone you care for.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Mercury in your sign now can make you very single-minded and in its angle with Pluto, your thinking can be absolutely inspired helping you to get beneath the surface of situations and make meaningful connections. However, its angle to Jupiter suggests that when you come to act these out, don't be over confident.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Something could take on a life force of its own Gemini. It's not just that your imagination can be rather vivid today, more that it could arouse some deeply rooted fears. If you give yourself permission to step back from life's fray and take the time to really think things through, you can counter this tendency however.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A conversation today may prove to be really heartening. Although sometimes the journey through life can feel rather isolating, the connection you make now or the advice you receive or even give, could be truly uplifting. Despite this, when it comes to your money or resources, one friend's view might be rather unrealistic.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Jupiter in Leo in your sign, forges a right angle to Mercury in Taurus. This, and a bubbly Moon location in Gemini, can give you a real sense of optimism about professional and worldly interactions. However, ally to this a real thoroughness and attention to detail, and then you can really make a splendid impression Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ruling planet Mercury is particularly influential today, forging a link with both Jupiter and also Pluto. With Jupiter it is asking you to think outside the box and consider that there may be other ways of doing things, with Pluto you're being told that the answers to this lay deep within your own capacities.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Any kind of paperwork which is connected to property or home based issues can, if you really put your mind to it, be cleared away quickly and efficiently. Mind, if you are looking at any kind of new strand or possibility, it's going to be important not to get too carried away. The more grounded you stay, the better Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You have a reputation for intensity. Whether this is fair or not, is not the issue. But in a conversation with someone today you can certainly get your point of view across in a most persuasive and effective manner. Just don't try too hard, for rather than seeming convincing, it could give the message that you're in fact, unsure.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ruler Jupiter connects with Mercury today, and that larger than life side of your nature could come to the fore. The trick however, is going to be in not promising more than you can realistically deliver. So avoid talking anything up too much. Instead, look to the facts and figures, rather than embracing too much enthusiasm.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You've got a real chance to shine at the present time Capricorn, but are you seizing the moment? It's a question only you can truly answer, but the more you believe in yourself and you are proactive around your talents, the better you will do. However, there is a proviso, and that is around money; here be your cautious self.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You can cheer someone up today, especially someone close to you by being determined to see the good in situations. Then again, it may be someone else who acts as your motivator. Yet, whatever exchanges you have it could be a subtle but important piece of information that's shared, that proves to be the key to everything.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon is more reflective for you today, but some of the pressures that seem to crowd in yesterday can be held at bay. A sensitive friend could also pick up on where you are, and be a real source of support. If you do have a temptation to crowd in too many tasks, do try to resist this. Pacing yourself is essential.