With the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Taurus, and latter two planets in conjunction, a more direct vibe is possible today. Taking firm action is possible and we can all be more mentally agile. This could be especially the case around finances.
However, impatience can also be a factor as Mercury and Mars also square Jupiter, so it is going to be important to carefully do your research before making any big decisions. At all costs avoid exaggeration or over embellishing anything. The lure of some kind of calorific goodie or big ticket item could be very strong.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's Mars connection suggests a pointed focus that not only puts you in the spotlight but might help improve your income too. One conversation can also bring satisfying results concerning your job or romantic interests. Be ready to discuss what's on your mind, to draw conclusions and negotiate a deal or even a date.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A gift for a loved one or splurging on family comforts can be one of the pleasures of the day. However, bigger ideas and plans might also attract your attention, encouraging you to consider travel, study or other novel ways to embrace new experiences. A brand new adventure may await you if you're ready for one.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A powerful Pluto link can act as a catalyst for change in key areas of your life. If it's something you've already considered it may be time to get this going. Your determination to make a fresh start could help you navigate through any bumps that you might encounter. Later, a social opportunity may be too good to miss.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your social life sparkles with dates, outings or the chance to join a club. Even so, if someone seems overly dominating when you've only known them briefly, then it may be best to cut the connection. Romance wise, today's influences enhance passions when with a significant other who brings out your sultry side.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Gemini Moon offers opportunities to mingle, whether for business or pleasure. Indeed, a Mercury Jupiter aspect can see you liaising with people who might help you accomplish a goal or ambition that's dear to your heart. Later, lunar vibes encourage you to connect with a person for whom you may have a soft spot.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A desire to make solid advances may be all it takes to get things moving. With planning and research you can harness today's potent Mars link to help you make headway. If you're already prepared, then there should be nothing to stop you. Met someone new recently? The intensity and passion could ratchet up now.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A lively social event brings opportunities for talking with someone you admire, and should this person seem wiser than most, this could be particularly enjoyable, today. In addition, a desire to invest in your home or a family project might see you initiating a savings plan with a view to making a positive difference.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Today's Gemini Moon encourages bright chit chat. Whether at work having fun or at home, be confident about discussing your creative ideas. Despite this a distracting daydream could capture your imagination causing you to drift away from the present. If it concerns a potential romance, perhaps it's time to make a decision.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Important matters come to light encouraging you to plan for your future. Today's powerful blend of energies can see you thinking carefully and conservatively about what you might like to accomplish. As a result, the advice of a friend to lighten-up and have fun may not be received with as much enthusiasm as usual.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is romance in the air? Today's stars are rather more passionate and intense, perhaps bringing an opportunity to share your feelings. As emotions build up, you may find you have little choice but to say what's on your mind. Be sure it's the right thing to do, as your decision could have consequences in the weeks ahead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Opportunities for fun and playful pleasures surround you today. Even so, your focus may be taken up by events that demand a firm approach or immediate action. Sometimes the only way to overcome an obstacle or achieve a goal is to simply get on with it. If you do, you'll come out feeling more confident and perhaps happier, too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It's all in the way you say it today, and the more genuine and heartfelt your conversation, the more you'll be taken seriously. By showing your interest and deep passion for a subject or person changes can take place. Meanwhile, a Venus influence adds sparkle to home and family affairs, particularly get-togethers or a reunion.