Daily Horoscopes – Saturday 18th April

The New Moon in Aries can put things on a much more progressive footing. Think of energising all areas of your life with new approaches and greater invention. Spring cleaning is the order of the day, whether it is through detoxes or through decluttering. Turn over new leafs and be determined to make positive changes. 

Venus also ends its wearisome opposition to Saturn. If any relationship has seemed hard going or you have felt distant from people, now is the chance to get things onto a better footing and reinvigorate. 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's New Moon, late in your sign, reveals potential for a new beginning – swiftly followed by progressive action. This may be a case of an idea whose time has come, as events could proceed swiftly once you make a start. In addition, thoughts of investing in creative pursuits can hold extra appeal at this time.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Smart ideas directed towards home and family may see you rolling up your sleeves, ready to get down to work. Thoughts about how you might increase space or add atmosphere can keep you happily employed. Then again, inspiration to follow soulful yearnings might lead you to make space for daily meditation or yoga sessions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A friendship or perhaps a chance to join with like-minded people could positively impact your future. It seems new perspectives and horizons can have a rejuvenating effect. Later, don't ignore a hunch as it could reveal the way around obstacles or encourage you to take up an opportunity you might have passed by.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Being open to fresh ideas could pave the way for an offer that's too good to miss. Today's New Moon can act as a catalyst, inspiring you to try your hand at something you've never before attempted but are intrigued by anyway. Hopefully you'll be in good company later, as a chance to socialise can bring an opportunity to unwind.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today's surplus of energy can be used to your advantage. Perhaps a new discovery piques your interest, one that takes you away from your everyday tasks and entices you into a world of excitement and adventure. Use this to make a fresh start, but don't neglect everyday bread and butter activities in the process.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Today's lively influence can see you taking a look at your finances with a view to injecting some sparkle into them. Today's Moon trigger encourages you to look for ways to increase your income while getting your money to work harder for you, Virgo. In the meantime, give consideration to someone's sultry overtures.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A new relationship could gel fast – encouraging an air of closeness and intimacy almost immediately, as though you've been friends forever. As a result, you may be willing to invest time and energy into taking on a project or challenge together. However, if a mutual attraction is involved there may soon be a passionate embrace.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Take advantage of the New Moon to kick start a diet or exercise routine – as you'll be more likely to stick with it. Meanwhile, the Mars Jupiter connection suggests someone's encouragement may be crucial in helping you achieve a goal or ambition. If confidence has stalled, their influence can propel you forwards.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Attending to everyday tasks can be soothing and reassuring, making quite a change from the recent hectic pace of your social life. You'll find that while carrying out such menial tasks as washing up or filing papers, ideas click into place. You'll get your best inspirations of the day – and a chance to sort a few issues too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Perhaps you're feeling passionate about something or someone and looking for a way to satisfy your desires. Pleasure rules today, so opt for activities that encourage the feel-good factor. Meanwhile, you may be motivated to make changes at home, boosting the atmosphere and enhancing everyday functionality.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Snap decisions, though not so much based on logic as intuition can be reliable. It pays to trust insights that might release you from a tricky situation or that save you time and money. Friends may want to involve you in the social whirl, but a preference for a quieter evening may see you chilling with a book or movie.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

An edgy Mars Jupiter link suggests there could be a challenge to face that involves a surfeit of red tape or a stubborn individual. While it's best not to get involved in arguments, with a little lateral thinking you can easily find a way around it. Either that, or nip this problem in the bud to avoid it happening again.