Astrology News – Sunday 12th April

The Sun in Aries goes into a right angle, or square with the Moon in Capricorn. This will provide a celestial backdrop through to next Friday. This particularly waxing Quarter Moon will also reinforce the long standing square between Uranus and Pluto, which governs the same zodiac signs.

This influence asks us to be aware of our wider responsibilities. With the Sun and Mercury still very close to one another, being impulsive and getting caught up in our own indivudual needs can run counter to other expectations or worldly demands.

Venus also glides into Gemini today, ready for a 28 day occupation. Enjoy her lively presence in this zodiac sign over the next couple of days, because next week things can get a whole lot more serious when it comes to loving and even money.

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The stars today suggest you may have a rose-tinted view of your finances, where you might benefit from a more hard-headed and realistic approach. If you're tempted to splurge, try to think again, especially if it's an item you don't truly need. You could use today as a chance to recharge your batteries, so try to take a break.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If something seems too good to be true, it may well be. Though you'll want to believe that everything's OK, a misunderstanding might take the edge off a chat or date – or perhaps see a promise broken. Whatever happens, try not to take it too much to heart, as the picture can be a lot more upbeat tomorrow.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Tap into your common sense if a piece of news seems too good to be true. Perhaps someone has gilded the lily a little, yet hidden amongst the spin the truth might prove to be far more exciting. In addition, if you're restless and full of ideas, you may find a social event perfect for letting off steam and making new friends.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A deepening romance can show promise if you're thinking of commitment. However, if you're involved in a new association don't be influenced by daydreams and thoughts of what could be. First become better acquainted and get to see them as they really are before making decisions that might have consequences.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Venus, newly arrived in Gemini, is promising for dating, enjoying good company and having fun. And, even though Saturn encourages greater caution when it comes to questions of romance, today's alignment could inspire a bold move – if you can avoid letting past experiences stall a bond that might be good for you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Don't be too modest to talk about your victories and positive efforts, as any success might depend upon it. Discussing past achievements could help you get a new job or put you in someone's good books. Later, try to explore opportunities for relaxation, especially those that might soothe nerves and boost vitality.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's Quarter Moon could present you with a conflict and no easy way to resolve it. However, if you engage the innovative and forward thinking part of your brain, the ideas that show up as a result could have the trademark of a genius. In the meantime, accept an invite if it brings the chance to make a new friend.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The chance to bring a dream to life may be helped along by someone's down-to-earth advice. As Mars and Saturn connect this hints at a collaboration that could go far due to a positive blend of skills and resources. There are also playful possibilities showing up too. Settled? Things can get more sensual than usual.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

To spend or not to spend that is the question? The desire to live life to the full could take you into exciting territory. So, it would be a pity to hold back because of the cost of enjoying yourself. Today's Quarter Moon suggests that having fun can be a good investment, as long as you'll have no regrets later on.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's alignment encourages you to listen to your feelings, especially to any of those you've been quietly ignoring. A compassionate Neptune link may also see you soften your approach to a friend or perhaps a love interest. As a result, it might be easier to empathize, leading to greater camaraderie and perhaps intimacy too.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A head buzzing with ideas could be causing you to feel restless and somewhat stressed if you can't do as much as you think you should. The current very lively focus on your mind and communication zone might mean you're constantly ahead of yourself. Today's alignment encourages you to pause, chill and have fun.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

To maintain your peace of mind avoid reading too much into things. You'll find it's better to take certain statements at face value, even though there may be many reasons to suspect a hidden agenda. For this reason, it's best to avoid making big decisions today. However, a friend's input could be valuable if you're in a hurry.