Pisces Season 2025 Deep Dive Special All Signs…

With the Sun’s arrival in the 12th and final sign of the zodiac from 18th February to 20th March, a powerful reception committee lays in wait, and for the first time in 17 years, the North Node.

  • This is aligning to one of Pisces two co-regents the powerful Neptune, and has the potential for us to heighten our spiritual and healing vibration, but can we?
  • For Jupiter, the traditional ruler of the sign is in an unhelpful link to Mercury in Pisces, perhaps mutually receptive, but both in Detriment. Thus slander, lies, exaggeration, betrayal, are all in the mix.
  • With Saturn also in Pisces, nearing two years, as the Sun applies to all these celestial players over the next month it will create a stir, and especially Saturn on March 12th.
  • Please join me as I share the Natal Event Chart, which shows which shows an absolutely rare, exact square between the Ascendant in Gemini and the Sun in Pisces.
  • Thus the usual opportunities to rest, reflect, recuperate and heal, may be supplanted by an endless news cycle of fakery and distortion which creates fear and anxiety.
  • But, know this, Pisces is also the sign of deep personal growth, and if we seize the opportunity to work with this nebulous vibe, and find our inner peace, we can navigate these choppy waters, internally knowing that this huge cycle of 164 years that ends in early 2026 of Neptune in Pisces, and Saturn’s 29.5 year cycle will see a new beginning.

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