Aries 21 March – 20 April

While there is no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts until the second half of the year and what there is has no challenges, takes away the pressure and allows you to focus on the journey. However, during the first half of the year, you won’t be on your own with the Moon returning to your romantic and relationship sectors every four weeks. It is during one of those visits that the Moon will create a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 17th February and in your relationship sector on 17th April. In both cases, halfway between the Sun’s last visit and the next, this will give both matters of the heart and your relationships a boost.

It is on the other side of these Full Moons that the Moon will return to Aries from 3rd May to 29th May, something that gives you a chance to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year. This is something that will normally happen during your birthday month but held back by a retrograde phase, Venus is late to return to Aries this year so is late to leave. However, this also narrows the gap between Venus’ departure and the first planetary activity on the romantic and relationship fronts for the year. As always, the spirit of romance will go first, beginning with Mercury’s return to your romantic sector on 20th July.

With the dwarf planet Ceres making her first visit in four years, her return from 24th July to 29th September will not only see planetary activity on the romantic front extend out for two months but will still be playing out when Mercury returns to your relationship sector on 26th August. The most active months of the year on the romantic front run from 20th July to 29th September and on the relationship front from 26th August to 30th October. In that time the Sun, Mercury and Venus will all move through with Venus making from 12th August to 5th September some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year and from 29th September to 23rd October some of the best on the relationship front.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There is a surprise development on the relationship front just weeks into the New Year that will not only impact the coming year but right through to July 2023. While there is rarely planetary activity on the relationship front in the first half of the year and that remains the case, on 19th January the North Node will return to Taurus and the South Node to your relationship sector and until they leave in July 2023 they will police a balance between your personal and relationship needs. In addition, this is where the eclipses will shift to, starting with a total lunar eclipse in your relationship sector on 16th May and a solar eclipse six months later on 25th October.

There will be pivotal points in a pivotal year on the relationship front, bringing the influence of the lunar nodes to a head. This will become more pronounced when there is planetary activity in your relationship sector, which will be compressed into a short period from 23rd October to 22nd November. With Venus also returning on 23rd October but leaving on 16th November and Mercury moving through from 30th October to 17th November, all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year will play out during the Sun’s month long visit. It is during that time that the solar eclipse on 25th October will create the potential for major new beginnings.

Before then romantic matters will get their turn, starting with romantically charged Full Moon on 18th March. The boost will come when Venus, the planet of love returns to Taurus from 29th May to 23rd June. Held back by a retrograde phase the planet of love won’t return to Taurus until after your birthday month is over, freeing her from being caught up in the more mundane job of launching your new solar year. Planetary activity in your romantic sector itself will run from Mercury’s return on 4th August to his eventual departure on 11th October. In that time the Sun will move through from 23rd August to 23rd August while Venus, the planet of love will make from 5th September to 29th September the most romantically charged weeks of the year.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While there are still some leftovers from 2021, there will soon be a sense that this is a different year and in particular, on the relationship front. On 19th January the lunar nodes will shift for the first time since May 2022, with the South Node leaving Sagittarius and the North Node leaving your relationship sector. This will end a 20 month policing of a balance between your personal and relationship needs, the eclipses this has created during that time but also the pressure. Yet as they leave, this will leave you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you but in a way that will allow you to leave the past behind you.

Another leftover from 2021 is Mars, who returned to your romantic sector in the final weeks of last year and will continue to fuel your romantic passions and fighting spirit until leaving on 25th January. After that, with no planetary activity in either your romantic or relationship sectors until the second half of the year, it is up to the Moon and Venus to keep the momentum going on both fronts. While the Moon will visit your romantic and relationship sectors every four weeks it is the Full Moon this will create in your romantic sector on 17th April and in your relationship sector on 14th June that will give both a boost. It is just days after the Full Moon in your relationship sector that Venus will return to Gemini, moving through from 23rd June to 18th July.

The planet of love will return just as your birthday month ends but also just as you are about to move into the second half of the year, the half that hosts all the action on the romantic and relationship fronts. Planetary activity on the romantic front will run from Mercury’s return on 26th August to his departure on 30th October. Venus, the planet of love will move through from 29th September to 23rd October, making these some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year. The Sun, Mercury and Venus will all visit your relationship sector during the relatively short period from Venus’ return on 16th November to the Sun’s departure on 22nd December. This is the point in any year when the solar spotlight is on your relationships.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

While in terms of planetary activity on the romantic and relationship fronts there is nothing out of the ordinary, apart from Mars making his first visit to your relationship sector in two years, this is a better than average year on both fronts and this will be evident from the start. The fact that you begin the year with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your relationship sector is not uncommon and is what you would expect. However, while the Sun, as is normally the case will leave on 20th January both Venus and Mercury are reluctant to leave. Venus begins the year in retrograde motion while Mercury, who will leave on 2nd January will retrograde back in for a double dip visit on 26th January.

This will keep Mercury in your relationship sector until 12th February and Venus until 6th March, giving the planets of communication and love a lot of time to impact your relationships in the early part of the year. With Mars returning from 25th January to 6th March, he will be here in time to help you get the most out of this. With Pluto, the planet of change and revolution here from 2008 to 2024, this is a chance for some heart led change. This will also ensure that when Venus and Mars leave on 6th March there is continuity. It is later in the year that Mercury will return on 7th December, Venus on 10th December and the Sun on 22nd December in order to do it all over again.

Meanwhile, January will also host a surprise development on the romantic front, when the South Node returns to your romantic sector on 19th January. Until leaving in July 2023, the South Node will keep the spirit of romance alive while also setting the scene for where the eclipses will fall, starting with a total lunar eclipse in your romantic sector on 16th May. While all planetary activity will be within the Sun’s month long visit to your romantic sector from 23rd October to 22nd November, a solar eclipse on 25th October will give the spirit of romance a massive boost. This comes just as Venus, the planet of love will be working to make 23rd October to 16th November the most romantically charged weeks of the year.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The year gets off to a good start with Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos in your romantic sector from 13th December 2021 to 25th January 2022. Mars returned while the Sun was still in your romantic sector, keeping what began in 2021 going into the New Year. With the South Node leaving your romantic sector on 19th January after 20 months here, this puts a lot of focus on matters of the heart in the early weeks of the year but also with some urgency. The South Node and Mars won’t just leave within days of each other but this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front until Venus, the planet of love returns on 16th November.

The more you can invest into matters of the heart in the early weeks of the year the more the Moon can recapture and nurture this it returns every four weeks. One of the most important of those visits will be the one that creates a romantically charged Full Moon on 14th June, halfway between the Sun’s last visit and the next. It is Venus’ return on 16th November that will begin the next round of planetary activity on the romantic front, which will run through to 22nd December. Meanwhile, while planetary activity on the romantic front is contained to the early weeks and then the final months of the year, planetary activity on the relationship front will continue all year thanks to Saturn.

It was in the closing days of 2021 that Jupiter left your relationship sector, leaving Saturn behind on his own and not due to leave until next year, he will keep the focus on your relationships and will continue the journey. For the majority of the year, Saturn will be on his own but your relationships will get a serious boost in the early months of the year. It begins with Mercury’s return on 2nd January, with a retrograde turn on 15th January taking him back out just days later, only to return for a second visit from 15th February to 10th March. The timing is significant because this means the planet of communication will still be here when Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion both return on 6th March. Once Venus leaves on 6th April and Mars on 15th April, Saturn can keep the momentum going.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Because you have had Pluto in your romantic sector since 2008 and Neptune in your relationship sector since 2012 there has been continuous planetary activity on the romantic and relationship fronts for several years now. Yet even by those standards, 2022 is an extraordinary year on both fronts, something that will be evident from the start. This is thanks to a combination of minor events, retrograde phases and the fact that Mars will visit both this year, for the first time in nearly two years. Just starting the year with Venus, the planet of love in your romantic sector and Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion in your relationship sector was going to get the year off to a good start, even had they both left just days later.

By the time the Sun leaves your romantic sector on 20th January, the point in most years when it is then up to Pluto to keep the momentum going, things will be just be starting to heat up. While Venus will usually spend just 24 days in your romantic sector each year, a retrograde phase just before Christmas will keep the planet of love here until 6th March. Until turning direct on 29th January, Venus will hold the doors open to the past and second chances but it is Mars’ return on 25th January that will really fire things up on the romantic front. With Venus and Mars both leaving on 6th March, these cosmic lovers will be doing their best to light things up on the romantic front.

It is then that Pluto will take over, keeping the romantic flame burning until Mercury returns on 7th December, Venus on 10th December and the Sun on 22nd December, with all three starting and ending the year here. Meanwhile, you also start the year with Jupiter and Neptune, the planets of luck and dreams in your relationship sector. While Neptune is here all year Jupiter will leave on 11th May but will return for a second visit from 28th October to 21st December. This makes 2022 one of the most important relationship years in a decade if ever, with Jupiter and Neptune aligning here in April for the first time in our lifetime. This is right in the heart of the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which begins with the Sun’s return on 19th January and will run through to Mars’ departure on 24th May.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Not all years are created equal and while the passage of the Sun and the faster planets means that your romantic and relationship sectors will become active at the same time each year, additional factors can make one year more significant than another. In 2022 that is the case on both the romantic and relationship fronts but only on the romantic front to start with. The Sun will always return to your romantic sector in January but his return on 20th January not only comes just three weeks after Jupiter left but will herald the most active months of the year on the romantic front. A retrograde phase will see Mercury move through from 2nd January to 26th January but then return for a second visit from 15th February to 10th March.

It is during that second visit and long after the Sun leaves on 19th February that Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion will both return on 6th March. With Venus not leaving until 6th April and Mars until 15th April, what is usually a romantically charged few weeks that might extend out until late February is instead the most romantically charged months, extending out for an additional two months. After that Saturn, who is here until 2023, will keep the momentum going. During that time, while there is some minor planetary activity on the relationship front there is nothing to indicate that this year will be any different to other years.

Even when the Sun moves through your relationship sector from 21st March to 20th April it will be business as usual, with the solar spotlight always on your relationships at this time of year. It is not until May that things take a significant turn for the better, starting with Venus’ return on 3rd May. Held back by her retrograde phase in your romantic sector Venus will be late to return to your relationship sector this year but her timing couldn’t be better. For it is just days later that Jupiter will return on 11th May and that will change everything. Mars’ return on 24th May will bring the planets of love, luck and passion together in your relationship sector for the first time since 2011. Venus is only here until 29th May but Mars will stay on until 5th July, here to support and energise the most important developments on the relationship front in over a decade. Jupiter will leave on 28th October but will retrograde back in on 21st December, where he will stay until May 2023.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While Jupiter won’t spend the whole year in your romantic sector, he will spend enough time here to make this a lucky year for love and an important year for matters of the heart in general. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion had spent two and a half months in your romantic sector in the middle part of 2021 but only really stood in the doorway before retrograding back out. From his return on 29th December 2021 to his departure on 11th May, Jupiter will move right through your romantic sector from beginning to end, before retrograding back in for curtain call from 28th October to 21st December. What makes the timing of this double dip visit is that Venus, the planet of love will be in Scorpio from 23rd October to 16th November.

This is putting Jupiter and Neptune, the planets of love and dreams in your romantic sector at the same time, with their alignment in April their only one here in our lifetime, making this a massive year for matters of the heart by any measure. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars will all move through your romantic sector from 19th January to 24th May, providing Jupiter and Neptune wraparound support. While the Sun’s visit from 19th January to 21st March and Mercury’s from 10th March to 27th March will be important, it is when Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion are here that things will really get exciting.

Venus will move through your romantic sector from 6th April to 3rd May, Mars from 15th April to 24th May and with Jupiter leaving on 11th May this will be these most romantically charged weeks of this already romantically charged year. Meanwhile, this is also a big year for your relationships, with the North Node returning to your relationship sector from 19th January 2022, where it will stay until July 2023. This means that as well as a constant presence and the policing of a balance between your personal and relationship needs this is where the eclipses will fall, starting with a solar eclipse on 1st May and then a total lunar eclipse on 9th November. The former is in the heart of the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which will run from Mercury’s return on 11th April to Mars’ departure on 20th August.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Just as the sun is setting on a period when all the focus has been on your relationships, it is about to rise on romantic matters, with the biggest surprise of 2022 being that this is destined to be a lucky year for love. To begin with, there will be no sign of this and with the North Node wrapping up a 20 month visit to your relationship sector, where along with the South Node in Sagittarius it has been policing a balance between your personal and relationship needs, it is business as usual. However, the relationship gods do have a surprise in that while the North Node will leave your relationship sector on 19th January the dwarf planet Ceres will return from 9th February to 15th May. Having spent much of the second half of 2021 here, Ceres will return to revisit your relationship needs and priorities after the fact.

Meanwhile, while the Sun will move through your romantic sector from 21st March to 20th April and this will always put the solar spotlight on matters of the heart and all things romantic, there will still be nothing to suggest that anything out of the ordinary is about to happen. It is not until after the Sun has left that Venus’ return on 3rd May will signal the start of something special. Held back by a retrograde phase Venus will be late to return to your romantic sector this year but will return with perfect timing, putting the planet of love here when Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion returns on 11th May. Jupiter will remain here until 28th October but will then return again for a second visit on 21st December, where he will stay until May 2023.

Even Mars will return for the first time in two years from 24th May to 5th July, bringing the planets of love, luck and passion together in your romantic sector for the first time since 2011. It is during this time that the Sun and Mercury will move through your relationship sector, the Sun from 21st May to 21st June and Mercury from 30th April to 23rd May and then again from 14th June to 5th July. It is during that second visit that Venus will return from 23rd June to 18th July, in the heart of some of the most romantically charged months in over a decade. However, this year has one more surprise, with Mars returning for what should be a six week visit to your relationship sector on 20th August but not leaving until March 2023.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The fact that Venus, the planet of love will start and end the year in Capricorn is not unusual but in this case, it really is a sign that 2022 is destined to be a good year for love and all things romantic. Because the Sun will always begin and end the year in Capricorn and Venus will always be close by, means that this is not unusual though not guaranteed. However, normally this would be an advantage for a few days or weeks at most, but Venus will get the year off to a romantically charged start. Venus returned for what should have been a 24 day visit to your Capricorn in November but instead, a retrograde turn will keep her here until 6th March. What makes this auspicious is that you not only begin the year with Venus in retrograde motion in Capricorn but Uranus in retrograde motion in your romantic sector.

Uranus will turn direct on 19th January and the timing couldn’t be more auspicious, with the North Node returning to your romantic sector on the same day. In your romantic sector from 19th January 2022 to 18th July 2023, as well as giving matters of the heart a sense of direction and opening new pathways, this sets the scene for a series of eclipses. The North Node is always focused on the future and returning on the same day that Uranus turns direct will make this a major turning point. Venus will turn direct on 29th January, keeping the doors open to the past and second chances for another 10 days. This will get the year off to a romantically charged start and it will stay that way.

Matters of the heart will get another boost when the faster moving planets move through your romantic sector, starting with Mercury’s return on 11th April and ending with Mars’ departure on 20th August. They won’t all be here at the same time, with a gap between Venus’ departure on 23rd June and Mars return on 5th July. However, this spreads things out in order to provide maximum coverage. Also giving matters of the heart a boost will be a solar eclipse on 1st May and a total lunar eclipse on 9th November. Meanwhile, while there is minimum planetary activity on the relationship front this year the Sun, Mercury and Venus will be doing their best to make their time here from 21st June to 12th August count.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While for the most part it is business as usual on the romantic and relationship fronts, the love gods in particular do have a surprise up their sleeve but they are saving that until later in the year. Considering that there is rarely any planetary activity in the second half of the year, this in itself is a pleasant surprise but more of that later. Meanwhile, 2022 begins in the same way that 2021 began, with the North Node in your romantic sector but with its 20 month journey to steer matters of the heart in the right direction coming to a close. While not a planet or even a physical body, the North Node’s departure from your romantic sector will leave it empty for the first time since April 2020 though not for long.

It was in the closing days of 2021 that the dwarf planet Ceres retrograded back out of your romantic sector but she will return for a double dip visit from 9th February to 15th May. It is while Ceres is here, returning to a mission to update your heart’s needs and priorities that this year’s planetary activity on the romantic front will begin. It begins with Mercury’s return on 30th April and while he will leave on 23rd May it is by retrograding back out, returning for a double dip visit from 14th June to 5th July. Mercury’s first visit will overlap the Sun’s month long visit from 21st May to 21st June while his second will overlap Venus, the planet of love’s visit from 23rd June to 18th July.

Venus will leave just two days before all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year will be with Mercury’s return on 20th July. With no other planetary activity on the relationship front this year, the period from Mercury’s return on  20th July to Venus’ departure on 5th September will provide some short and contracted support. From 20th July to 4th April Mercury, the planet of communication will work to get the communication lines open while the Sun will put the solar spotlight on your relationships from 23rd July to 23rd August. Venus, the planet of love will move through, weaving her magic from 12th August to 5th September. This is when the love gods will play the wildcard they have been holding up their sleeves when long after all planetary activity on the romantic front for the year should have ended, Mars will return on 20th August. The surprise isn’t Mars’ return and instead that while he is normally here for six weeks, he won’t leave until March 2023.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Across the romantic and relationship fronts there is no major or unexpected planetary activity. Even Mars, who returns to your romantic and relationship sectors once every 22 months will visit neither this year. This will create windows of planetary activity on both fronts that will overlap and because they will give the love and relationship gods limited time to work in, they will be working to make it count. The dwarf planet Ceres will visit both your romantic and relationship sectors this year and as her focus is more on understanding your needs and priorities, she will be taking advantage of this relatively quiet year on both fronts. While there will be no planetary activity on the romantic front until May and none on the relationship front until August, a pair of Full Moons will give both a voice in the early months of the year.

The first is a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 18th January and the second a Full Moon in your relationship sector on 18th March. Both fall before Venus, the planet of love will return to Pisces from 6th April to 3rd May, giving matters of the heart and your relationships an important boost. Held back by a retrograde phase Venus won’t return to Pisces until after your birthday month is over, so will be playing catch up when it comes to updating your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for your new solar year. It is just after Venus leaves that Ceres will return for her first visit to your romantic sector in four years, spending from 15th May to 24th July helping you to update your heart’s needs and priorities.

Fortunately, with the Sun in your romantic sector from 21st June to 23rd July, Mercury from 5th July to 20th July and Venus, the planet of love from 18th July to 12th August this will be in the heart of the most romantically charged months of the year. It is while Venus is still in your romantic sector that Mercury will make an early return to your relationship sector from 4th August to 26th August. So early that a retrograde turn will bring the planet of love back for a second visit from 24th September to 11th October. As he does at this time every year, the Sun will turn the solar spotlight onto your relationships from 23rd August to 23rd September while Venus will return to work her magic from 5th September to 29th September. Ceres will return to update your relationship needs and priorities from 29th September to 19th December.

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