Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your ruler Mars spends an extended six months in your sign in the second half of 2020, and this is going to give you tremendous determination to reach your goals. However, a key ambition will come into focus in January, and it could prove to be make or break. From 9th March to 1st August, you’ll also receive lots of help around success and public acclaim, but from mid May to mid September, there may be some twists and turns in this story which can surprise you. This Eclipse of the 14th December, can be particularly fated, but helpful however. July can be your standout month for love and romance, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You are a sign which does enjoy a degree of stability and familiarity. However, 2020 is about to shake things up and bring real opportunities to turn things around in your life positively. You know the old saying Taurus, change is as good as a rest, and rarely will this maxim have proved so apt, with long distance travel, new exciting destinations and knowledge, and the chance to embrace some novel approaches. It might not all fall exactly into place as you expect, and the second half of the year can see a face from your past re-emerge, or help you to confront old hurts and wounds that have lain dormant deep within you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Being prudent around your resources and treasuring your closest alliances, is going to be a big part of your journey this year. Saturn has certainly been pushing you to marshal your finances carefully, and he can continue to demand the same this year. But also you could be really quite entrepreneurial, and work things to your advantage, by speculating to accumulate, but in a step-by-step, measured way. Your love life could also develop interestingly, but staying grounded in your approach is going to be vital throughout the year, even if there is part of you that would like to be more daring and even avant-garde at times.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This is going to be another year when your relationships are very much under the astral microscope. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign in January and the Solar Eclipse of 21st of June, suggests you may not be able to have everything on your own terms. But with Mars occupying a very dominant part of your horoscope in the last six months of the year, you can find yourself emboldened and keen to increase your profile and status in life. One potential way you can achieve this is by being open to new people and approaches. Even if some experiments don’t work, those that do can prove to be truly gratifying.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This can be a year when you find yourself focusing on finding the right balance between how you support others and the practicalities of life with your own personal needs. There might be some sensitive moments from 10th January’s Lunar Eclipse, but by the Leo Full Moon of 9th February, you could be clearer about how this feeds into your closest relationships. The second half of the year can definitely be a time to break out and be more adventurous, but also to set your boundaries. Yet September and October could be times when you need to remind others of their responsibilities. Relationships can blossom as the year closes.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There have been opportunities for you to thrive, but 2020 gives you a greater chance to actually capitalize on these, if you can keep the self-discipline and hard work going that you’ve been investing in recent times. The telling influence to assist you is going to be Jupiter, which is in a wonderful conjunction with Pluto from 9th of March to 1st August and 16th October to 4th December. This may not be a perfect process, but it certainly can be one which encourages you to believe in the parts of your life that you should be more daring around. However, in September and October, there could be some politics in one close tie.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Mars spends the second half of this year in your opposite sign, suggesting that you are about to develop a more robust response when it comes to your closest interactions. This is also a fantastic opportunity to test your mettle in any kind of competitive job or role. There continues to be a finite balance that you need to gain between home and worldly interactions, but it is possible that some kind of good fortune can be linked to a property deal, and some Scales may find themselves relocating.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may have found yourself thinking over your values in recent times, but this year there can be a real growth spurt, which could find you becoming more knowledgeable and more self-assured about the ideas that you have. However, from March 22nd through to 1st July, someone close to you may need your support, or you could find yourself adapting where you live to deal with your current needs. The second half of 2020 can see you very active in looking for a new job or getting fitter. September and October urge you not to bite off more than you can chew, so do know when to say no to people.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your financial situation can take a turn for the better this year, as your ruler Jupiter glides through your 2nd Solar House. However, as he aligns with Pluto from 8th March to 1st August, and then again in the Autumn due to retrogrades, just try not to be too cavalier in your approach. Any gains that you have, need to be carefully consolidated. Your physical vitality, enthusiasm and sex appeal, all take on a wonderful dynamism in the second half of this year. July can be a particularly wonderful month around relationship prospects. However, the standout moment comes with the solar Eclipse in your sign of 14th December, which will be so powerfully helpful.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The planet of expansion, and traditionally of good fortune Jupiter, is in your sign through until 19th December. Also, Saturn and Pluto meeting Capricorn exactly on 13th January through week two. This can be a powerful moment, but by the 18th February, an eleven month conjunction finally ends. This can prove liberating for you, especially with Jupiter and Pluto in a much more positive conjunction from 8th March. This can promote new beginnings, and with sparkly Uranus urging you on, your mantra this year really can be to go for it. This can however, see some changes to where you live in the last six months.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your traditional ruler Saturn, is going to join you twice this year Aquarius. The first time he arrives is on 22nd March and he vacates on 2nd July, but returns on 17th December. This points to a clearing of the decks for some water bearers’ and new starts. But the psychological energies that have been so powerful in recent years are going to continue to be so, but whereas you may have felt at times on the back foot with this, now you can start to embrace healing and consciousness raising approaches like never before. Expect to be a lot more active in the last half of the year, a time when your voice gets really heard. A stroke of fortune can brighten December.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can find yourself making new friends in 2020, enjoying engaging pastimes which have some kind of educational or knowledge-based dimension. In love, you may feel particularly nostalgic, but the combination of Chiron and the Black Moon at the start of the year, suggests it may be time to try to heal any holes in your own personal confidence, which are preventing you from connecting to someone more intimately. With Saturn moving through a reflective part of your ‘scope at times, try to let go of the things that no longer serve your greater good. Finances however, look peachy in the second half of this year.

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