2017 Love Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism and hope remains in your sector of relationships through to the 10th of October. This gives you a priceless opportunity to develop greater awareness to your partnership needs and also to interact with others more successfully. The Lunar Eclipse of 11th of February also forges a sparkling angle to Jupiter as well as Uranus and Saturn. The suggestion here is that there’s going to be a degree of restlessness around your relationships this year, especially in January, February, September and the first half of October, when Jupiter is in opposition to the edgy spirit that is Uranus. {copytag:[788]:copytag}
However, the most telling trigger of the whole year will come on 21st of August, when a sumptuous link to Uranus by the Solar Eclipse in Leo and in your sector of love, can bring some intriguing developments in the last half of 2017. With a Solar Return also showcasing Venus in the friendliest part of your ‘scope, this is not a year to sit back and wait for action, you need to get on the front foot and make things happen for you. Moribund ties need to be reignited and if solo, new exciting players can enter your orbit.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The stars are laying down a challenge to you at the turn of the year, one which sees Mercury forging a really beautiful link with Venus, the planet of love. Yet ironically, as much as you may want to be bold and go for it, your best bet is to develop your interaction through group situations and shared interests. This is because the Sun and Mars are urging each other on, and the more active you can be, the better. You may even meet the love of your life doing some kind of charitable pursuit or activity. However, in existing relationships, the continuing presence of Saturn in your sector of joint resources, suggests that when it comes to who does or contributes what, there does need to be a degree of balance. The first six months of this year suggests you try to squeeze every ounce out of an ongoing tie, and especially if there is a sense of dissatisfaction. If things really are not moving forward as you wish, a real sense of restlessness can grip you through the last quarter of the year, but fortunately with Jupiter’s arrival in your sector of relating on the 11th of October, this can trigger new exciting possibilities for you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There were some very intense influences in the last few months of last year, and perhaps some of these were making you much more conscious of the depth of feelings you had, and even the politics that exist around one involvement. This begs the question of how much more you should invest in such a scenario, and especially if it has been highly charged. Your Solar Return suggests communication will be at the core of what can make or break such a tie. Your desire to get to the bottom of what really makes this or a partner tick may be high, but also you will need to feel that your voice is being heard. With Saturn in your sector of relating forging a very positive angle to Uranus in the first six months, you may be very attuned to keeping the lines of communication open, but there also needs to be a sense of steady, but meaningful growth. Your work is going to demand a lot of you in the six months from the end of February, and a partner needs to be supportive of that. Travel is strongly featured in early August, and for single Twins, this could lead to an intriguing encounter. The last half of 2017 will see you demand clarity.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the year begins the Sun occupies part of your horoscope to do with relating. This is usual. What is more unusual is that the Sun is forging a fantastic angle to Mars. This can trigger a huge amount of extra energy throughout 2017 for you, but with Neptune also alongside Mars, it can create some illusions. Travel and more philosophical interests can play a role in how you can meet people this year or exploit the time you share with a loved one. However, with Mercury tracking backwards at the turn of the year, it’s going to be vitally important to be in tune with what’s being said to you, and to develop your listening skills throughout the whole twelve months. Tiny Pluto has given you a great deal more self-confidence around relationships in the last seven years, but this is not something that should be used in the wrong way. Your power will grow through co-operation and collaboration. Be open minded, it’s going to be a vital ingredient. For example, it could be a surprise development around your work, one you may find rather challenging that could open up some new, intriguing connections.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You are given a wonderful celestial gift this year, well, in fact Leo, it’s not just the one, it really is several. The first is that Venus the planet of relating is in your sector of harmony as the year turns. This encourages you to try to always maintain a degree of goodwill. True, Jupiter and Uranus are going to be squabbling for the first two months and then again through September to mid October. But see this as an opportunity to encounter people who although very different to you, can actually bring great illumination and variety into your existence. Also, with strict Saturn in your sector of romance, forging an amazing angle with Uranus for the first six months, do not dismiss those people who look at life differently from you, because one person like this can be the very individual who emerges so importantly for you. With a potent lunar Eclipse on 11th February in your sign, this can be a year when you may need to redefine your very own individuality. By the time of the second lunar Eclipse on 7th August, you will be the evidence of how you will be perceived and enjoyed by someone close to you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There is a quite sensational link between the Sun, Mars and Neptune, as this year begins. This is going to confer great potential on your relationship prospects all year. But it also falls to you to be very straightforward and honest in your approach to your interactions. That’s not to say that you would be deliberately deceitful, simply that Neptune is the planet that creates illusions, and in this context around your desires, so if you find yourself attracted to someone who’s not really good for you, you need to be true to yourself. With your ruler also retreating as the year begins it doesn’t necessarily mean that the encounters you have in 2017 will always be straightforward, but I think what’s wonderful is that you will be able to express yourself with great energy but also some subtlety too. If you are in a relationship which is progressing well, don’t be surprised if there are some developments around cohabiting or where you live. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th February also provides a wonderful backdrop for the following six months when your sensitivity to others can also draw you very close to one person.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With the lovely bubbly energies of Jupiter, in your sign through to October the 10th, this is going to give you added verve and charisma throughout a huge slice of the year. Uranus in your sector of relationships is also igniting a fascinating energy through until June, which can see you balance a need for independence with building a solid foundation with any partner who is really good for you. Yet, what you shouldn’t be this year is too self-sacrificing. You’re likely to be in a very sensitive, even romantic frame of mind as the year begins, but nurturing is going to be as important as glamour when it comes to the person who will be right for you. The Lunar Eclipse of the 7th August can be particularly helpful. With its angle to Jupiter, this is going to see a much bolder, more self-confident you emerge in the second half of the year. A mutual friendship or a collective or group activity can also be significant to how you get to meet someone special. Once Jupiter moves on the 11th, it can also give you a much greater appreciation of the more sensual elements of relating or celebrating the good things in life with your love interest, like food and drink.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Sincerity may be very important to you Scorpio, but don’t underestimate the impact that your words, personality and charisma can have on people that you encounter, and certainly in the first half of this year. Choosing your words with care and being more measured even around text messages and emails, will certainly give you an added advantage when it comes to cultivating the type of relationship you desire. Sometimes you can be perhaps a little bit sceptical about others’ motives, and that is not a bad thing at all, as it can protect you, but the stars are asking you to live your dreams out. That doesn’t mean to say that it will always exactly be fulfilled as you wish, but if you have the confidence to give it a try, then that is when you can forge a significant alliance. Some kind of hobby interest, such as crafting, evening classes, the arts, music or performance can be fine ways to reach out. You may even find yourself dazzled by someone who is not short of personality themselves. In the second half of the year, you’ll be more attuned to the emotional aspects, but with Jupiter joining your sign in the last three months, they can sparkle.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
For five months of last year, the restrictive Saturn in your sign forged a really tricky angle to Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions. This may have seen you feeling quite drained at times, and also unsure about balancing your need for independence with meshing in with the more emotional side of your own needs and those of the people you are closest to. This year offers the potential for some redemption. Saturn, for the first six months, is forging a great angle to Uranus in your sector of romance. If you can both be realistic yet open minded, it could be very beneficial to you. But the planets are still asking you to work at the way you relate, and especially around intimacy. Sharing your feelings in a heartfelt way will bring many sweet moments to this year, but it’s about giving yourself the permission and time to do so. Your ruler is in a very sociable location for more than nine months, and there can be lots of opportunities to spend time in group situations. But a partnership will need to be nurtured. A wonderful Lunar Eclipse on 7th August can however give you enormous allure. Enjoy the attention.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Communication is the most important element in any relationship, and this year it is going to be absolutely critical for yours. You still have the planet of discipline and structure, and your ruler, Saturn in a sensitive part of your situation, but unlike last year, Saturn is going to be making some absolutely brilliant links in this one. You’re still going to have to stay very aware of your more internal issues and how they influence your thinking and actions, when it comes to how you interact with others. If you can blend subtlety with enthusiasm, you can make some fantastic connections. But with Mercury in retrograde in your sign as the year begins, there could be some stop/start moments. However, whatever you face, your enthusiasm to overcome obstacles is going to be excellent, as long as you don’t let other people’s ideas deflate or de-motivate you. The second half of the year is going to be a time when conversations move to something of greater substance. Then you will be exploring just how close you can really be. A very sensual last six months is possible for you Capricorn, so do keep the faith.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You start this year with the planet of love in your zodiac sign. It forges a fine link to Mercury too, and this combination can help you to use your sixth sense as well as unique personality to attract romantic opportunities throughout 2017. Be careful not to over-think things though, for anxiety can be a block to your more natural way of expressing yourself. With your two rulers also in a terrific angle through to June, anyone you do meet is much more likely to slowly grow into your situation, perhaps even firstly as a friend. The lunar Eclipse of 11th February is particularly significant, as is that of 7th August and the Solar Eclipse of 21st August. These are encouraging you to redefine how you interact with others, balancing the enriching things you bring to situations with an openness to how collaboration can be good for you. That more independent side of your nature can sometimes see you rather fearful of intimacy or wanting to have relationships only on your terms. Creating a greater sense of give-and-take is also encouraged by the outgoing position of Jupiter the planet of fortune, for much of the year.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A wonderful background supports you at the start of this year, one which can see you being much more dynamic and self-assured when it comes to your links to others, and also more sociable too. Jupiter also continues to support you in any deeper connection that you might make, and good fortune can come from such alliances. If you’re someone who can be rather more tentative when it comes to the game of love, you are being encouraged to take the initiative, and blending your drive with your natural sensitivity can be a great way to go. If you’re looking to firm up an existing relationship, the first six months can be a very positive time, especially if you can agree to disagree over any financial issues or where you have slightly different values or tastes. In the second half of the year, there is an opportunity to really push forwards with creating greater opportunities in your professional situation, and it may be through your work that you actually meet somebody new. In fact, new connections can occur in the most ordinary of places, so stay tuned Pisces and watch out for other people’s body language.